Electronic Communication


One could argue, that for most of the 20th century, management was expected to talk but not necessarily listen. With the changing times, organizational structures, and employee expectations, management must listen much more now. Think of self-managed teams where the team basically manages itself with the manager as a coach or facilitator. Active listening is essential here. Some people seem to be naturally good listeners; others are not. However, listening can be an acquired skill, and is one all managers need in this century.

Communication involves the transfer of meaning from the sender to the receiver. It is not necessary for the process to include agreement. In fact, two people can be communicating perfectly and still not agree with each other.

Today, one can rely on a number of sophisticated electronic media to carry out communications. These include email, text messaging, voice mail, and videoconferencing, to name a few. Text-messaging acronyms, such as LOL, TTYL, and BTW, are widespread in e-mails, text-messages, and Tweets, so people need to be aware of what they mean.


Detail whether you believe instant messaging can be more efficient than traditional communication methods and explain the issues that instant messaging and text messaging create. Write a cohesive two- to three-page paper that also incorporates the following questions:

  1. How and when would acronyms be used appropriately?
  2. What barriers might acronyms create for a user?
  3. What barriers might exist for someone unfamiliar with texting and acronyms?
  4. How would someone overcome the barriers described in questions 2 and 3?

Be sure to follow these requirements in your work:

  • Type your assignment in an MS Word document (.doc or .docx).
  • Do not copy word for word from the textbook or any websites you visit.
  • Use Times New Roman, 12-point font, double spaced.