ELI: ethical lens inventory

Learn: Reading and Research

Having a strong foundational understanding of ethical theory and decision models can have an impact on one’s career. You have a strong focus on this foundation as you prepare to build on these concepts.

The readings will help you explore the fundamental questions associated with the ethical lenses of rights/responsibilities, relationship, results, and reputation. You will then examine each lens using various vantage points, including intent, empathy, and integration. You will then begin to examine each lens more closely, starting with rights and responsibilities.

To prepare for the activities, read the following from your Baird textbook:

  • Chapter 1: “Exploring Ethical Decision Making”
  • Chapter 4: “Foundations for Decision Making” (pp. 93–101)
  • Chapter 8: “The Results Lens”
  • ISBN: 9780983110606

Competency Assessment

This Competency Assessment assesses the following outcome(s):

GB590M1: Synthesize consequentialism (results) theories within business conflicts of interest.

This Assessment requires that you complete the Ethical Lens Inventory (ELI) within the EthicsGame Simulation. Once completed, you will write a paper that answers the following questions:

  • Report the findings of your ELI. Include your overall type and the strength of the type as reported on the two axes. Be sure to cite your findings and do not copy and paste information from your ELI results into your paper. Use your own words.
  • Summarize the ethical theories associated with your type. This section requires at least three scholarly references. Again, assure you use your own words, and do not copy and paste information from your research into your paper.
  • Provide AT LEAST one example of how you have applied your preferred lens in a personal or professional setting that reflects your lens’s strengths, with special consideration to the consequences of your action.
  • Provide AT LEAST one example of how you have applied your preferred lens in a personal or professional setting that reflects your lens’s weaknesses with special consideration to the consequences of your action.
  • Discuss how you will use your knowledge of your preferred lens when managing or leading others, with special consideration to the consequences of your actions.
  • Discuss how you will overcome the challenges of your lens when leading or managing, with special consideration to the consequences of your action.


  • Your Assessment should have a cover sheet with the following information: Title of the paper, your name, course and section number, and date.
  • It must be a minimum of 2–3 pages long (excluding title page, references, etc.).
  • Your paper should include an introduction and conclusion.
  • Be sure to include the criteria located in the rubric below within your paper.
  • It must be APA 6th edition formatted with citations to your sources and your last page should list all references used. Review the APA formats found in the Writing Center.
  • You must use at least three scholarly, high quality, and current sources. Peer-reviewed articles, articles published in journals, textbooks, and library resources found in the Library are examples of high quality resources.