Eng 125. Retrieve a scholarly article from a database

Retrieve a scholarly article from a database. This article must:

  • be a work of “literary criticism” on a story or poem that you also discuss in your research paper
    • “literary criticism” is an academic term meaning an serious and developed essay, written by a scholar, on a topic of literature, like a story or poem, and published in a “peer reviewed” professional journal. It is documented and includes a Works Cited or “Reference” page. It argues a thesis.
    • “Silent Justice in a Different Key” is an example of literary criticism about a work of literature.
  • be from a LITERARY JOURNAL
  • include “internal pagination”
    • this means that the source you select must have page numbers: not the page numbers inserted by your printer, but the original page numbers from the Journal it was first published in.

This article must NOT be:

  • a book review, or “study guide,” or a reader’s guide, or an “overview”
  • a “Note” or “Letter” from a Literary Journal


  1. Retrieve the article: print out a .pdf version
  2. Read and Annotate the article
  3. Write a 2 paragraph Summary / Response of the argument made in the article.
    • Follow the attached direcctions.