English 104

General Information

Part of conducting research is considering not only the topic, purpose, audience, but the manner in which your information will be conveyed. With digital and online media being the predominant forums for information capture and availability, research is multi-dimensional and consists not only of just words, but colorful visual dynamic elements that present information and that enable audiences to participate directly in the topic they relate to.

As you read through the assigned The Everyday Writer chapters, watch the posted videos, and read the sample research proposal, think about not just a topic of research but how that research would be presented in papers you would write in future courses.


This first step in this class is to choose your research topic from the topic list in this module.

When you submit your topic provide the following information labeled in A/B/C format.

A) Type the topic that you have selected from the list provided.

B) Explain in a paragraph of at least 10 complex sentences why you have chosen this topic.

C) Explain in a paragraph of at least 10 complex sentences why you think readers will be interested in this topic.

Type your submission in the text entry box provided.

Your submission will not be read if it is not in the text entry box, so do not attach a document.


Research Topic Submission

Research Topic Submission

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTopic Choice

10.0 pts

Is clearly stated, understandable, and labeled A/B/C

0.0 pts

Not clear or not labeled A/B/C

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReason for Choosing Topic

10.0 pts

Clearly and thoughtfully explains reason for topic choice

5.0 pts

Topic presented with reasons that not entirely clear

0.0 pts

Reasons not clear or not included

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWhat Makes Topic Interesting

10.0 pts

Clear explanation what makes this topic of interest to others

5.0 pts

Vague explanation

0.0 pts

No explanation

10.0 pts