Ethics for Educational Leaders

Guideline: At least 6 pages, APA Style Narrative

Background: Many individuals believe that ethical leadership is simply a matter of leaders having good character. By having “the right values” or being a person of “strong character,” the ethical leader can set the example for others and withstand any temptations that may occur along the way. Without denying the importance of good character and the right values, the reality of ethical leadership is far more complex and the stakes are much higher. Importantly, over the past 25 years, instruction, assessment, accountability, globalization, and incredible technological advance have changed the framework of educational leadership in the United States.

Assignment: In a six or more page essay, develop a framework for 21st Century ethical school leadership that embodies the following leadership themes:

  • Focus on Purpose, Vision, and Organizational Success
  • Responsibility
  • Performance
  • Effective Leadership and the School Culture
  • Relationships and Stakeholder Support
  • Decision-making and Moral Reasoning
  • Instructional Accountability, Policy Development, and Policy Implementation

Be sure to define ethical school leadership in your narrative. Use at least six resources (including your textbook) to frame a view of ethical leadership that takes into account not only the leader, but also his constituents (followers and key stakeholders), the context or situation that the leader and stakeholders face, the leader’s processes and skills, and the outcomes that result.

Use APA Writing Style