Experimental Design Critique to an article , writing homework help
Choosing article that match my research paper ” Presentation fears in Education” to do an experimental critique
Write this directly to the authors as if you were a reviewer at a journal.
Describe the PURPOSE of the study.
Explain whether or not you think it is important to study or not
Explain whether or not they justified its importance well.
Is the design of the study you selected a TRUE EXPERIMENT or QUASI-EXPERIMENT?
Please identify the specific design (e.g., Posttest-Only Control Group Design) and provide details (e.g., how people were assigned to/selected for groups, how many treatment conditions, etc.) design elements from the study to support your answer. (1.5 points)
Evaluate the strength of the INTERNAL VALIDITY. Be specific about the threats to internal validity that you are identifying (name them), why they are a problem, and what could be done to remediate them.
Explain at least two of the strengths and at least two of the weaknesses related to internal validity…but make sure you identify the major flaws (if you miss some of the key problems that make the results uninformative about the question they are trying to answer, then the minor flaws or other strengths are moot).
Given the weaknesses identified, provide the author with constructive feedback on ways to improve their internal validity via their study design/implementation (or at least how they could better address the issues in their writing; however, if you only discuss how they could improve their writing regarding this you will receive only partial credit).
Evaluate the strength of the EXTERNAL VALIDITY. Be specific about the threats to external validity that you are identifying (name them), why they are a problem, and what could be done to remediate them.
Explain at least two of the strengths and at least two of the weaknesses related to external validity.
Given the weaknesses identified, provide the author with constructive feedback on ways to improve their external validity via their study design/implementation (or at least how they could better address the issues in their writing about the conclusions they can make and the limitations in their discussion; however, if you only discuss how they could improve their writing regarding this you will receive only partial credit).
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