Explain positivist social science, interpretative social science, critical social science in the given excerpt.

Need help with part b) of the assignment (600 words)

Excerpt: In a survey from 2016, Singaporeans reportedly worked the longest hours in the world, with the average worker clocking in 2,371.2 hours. The Working Hours Survey conducted by recruitment consultancy Morgan McKinley found that 70 per cent of professionals in Singapore work longer than their contracted hours. Seven in ten people “felt obliged to work longer than their contracted hours”. In addition, 9 in 10 worked these extra hours for free since their employer did not pay them for working late. The downside to long working hours is the risk of developing health problems.

Full Article: http://www.asiaone.com/health/are-we-workingtoo-much-singaporeans-risk-developing-health-problems-due-long-hours

Question: Identify, describe, and distinguish the main attributes of the three major social research approaches. In light of your response, which approach would the research presented in the excerpt above fall under?

The answer should be explain in terms of positivist social science (PSS) , interpretative social science (ISS) , critical social science (CSS) and which approach would the research presented in the excerpt above fall under? The philosophical foundations of social science research, particularly with regard to how ontology/epistemology affect the theoretical paradigm employed (e.g. PSS, ISS, CSS) and, in turn, the methodology and individual methods.

Reference: APA

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