Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of E-Services SLP
By the way, in the first SLP I got an C- because the sim score for turnitin was 41%.
Based upon your readings and research, compose a 2- to-3 page written explanation of the external factors that could impact the effectiveness of e-services offered by state Boards of Education.
Discuss external factors such as security issues, confidentiality, privacy, and Web access. Evaluate how computer availability could be an applicable issue. What if the intended audience does not have computer knowledge or access to computers?
NOTE: Cite references to support your explanation.
SLP Assignment Expectations
Your Session Long Project for this course is a research paper you write about a state Board of Education in the United States – of the state of your choosing. (You should select the state in which you reside or one that interests you. If your residence is not in the United States, you may select the Board of Education for your region or province).
This research paper will be developed in Modules 1-4. You will submit a portion of your research paper by the module deadline. To successfully write your research paper, you must complete the following:
- Select a state website and review their e-services on the Internet.
- Review the background information for each module (these resources are intended to help you gather information for your SLP).
- Write and submit each component of the SLP for each module
- Do your research and include references not provided in the background readings.
- At the Master’s level, students are expected to do independent research to complete the SLP research paper.
Contents of your SLP Research Paper
Each Module of the SLP project should be a minimum of 2-3 pages in length, not including cover sheet and reference list.
Your research paper should include:
- Background information about information systems and e-services in education
- External factors that impact the effectiveness of e-services offered by State Boards of Education
- A comparison of teacher salaries nationally as related to teacher salaries in the state you have chosen to review
- The e-services your chosen state Board of Education currently offers on its website
- Your recommendations for additional and/or revised e-services that should be offered on your chosen State Education website.
Organize the SLP research paper to contain four sections. Use the following outline (with headings for each module) as indicated:
- Introduction (2 or 3 paragraphs)
- Section 1 (Mod 1) – Information System (IS) in Education
- Section 2 (Mod 2) – External Factors
- Section 3 (Mod 3) – Teacher Salaries
- Section 4 (Mod 4) – E-Services and Conclusion
- Reference list
SLP Assignment Expectations
Contents of your SLP Research Paper
Each Module of the SLP project should be a minimum of 2-3 pages in length, not including cover sheet and reference list.
Your research paper should include:
- Background information about information systems and e-services in education
- External factors that impact the effectiveness of e-services offered by State Boards of Education
- A comparison of teacher salaries nationally as related to teacher salaries in the state you have chosen to review
- The e-services your chosen state Board of Education currently offers on its website
- Your recommendations for additional and/or revised e-services that should be offered on your chosen State Education website.
Organize the SLP research paper to contain four sections. Use the following outline (with headings for each module) as indicated:
- Introduction (2 or 3 paragraphs)
- Section 1 (Mod 1) – Information System (IS) in Education
- Section 2 (Mod 2) – External Factors
- Section 3 (Mod 3) – Teacher Salaries
- Section 4 (Mod 4) – E-Services and Conclusion
- Reference list
Submitting your Session Long Project
You must submit each SLP module according to the course submission deadlines.
In Module 4, combine all prior SLP module sections and the new section, as well as the conclusion and reference list, into a final document.
Each module of the SLP is individually graded and includes specifically related feedback. The final collated (or “combined”) document receives a grade in Module 4.
Below is an explanation for each module assignment of the Session Long Project:
Module 1: Information Systems (IS) in Education
Conduct an initial literature review and consider which factors make an information system effective or ineffective. Critically analyze information to determine the components of a typical information system, and compose a 2 – 3 page essay, discussing these issues as related to e-services that state Boards of Education define on their websites.
In effective information systems, you should consider the following information:
- Databases that are useful in education forums
- What information is included in this state’s education database? What makes it useful, or what information should be included to make it useful? Teacher’s notes on students, student grades, class syllabi are some examples of information to include in an educational database.
- Database that is secure:
- Consider the type of security the database provides, who can access the database, how user-friendly is it easy to navigate.
These are all just a few examples; use your own judgment in writing your SLP. Feel free to use creative thinking but not just the above examples.
Remember to write an “introduction” for your research paper. In the Introduction, define the topics you will discuss.
NOTE: Cite references to validate your research.
Module 2: External Factors
Based on readings and research, compose a 2- to-3 page written explanation of the external factors that impact the effectiveness of e-services offered by state Boards of Education.
Discuss external factors such as security issues, confidentiality, web access and privacy. Also, evaluate how computer availability may be an applicable issue.
NOTE: Cite references to support your research.