Forum Responses

I need a 250 response for each post listed below. So all together that’s a total of 500 words separated into 250 for both responses. Responses should be listed as 1 & 2 as well.


Classmates, This is our last week!! You did it! We did it! Congrats to all y’all who are ending this week with the excitement of getting that degree we all worked so hard for. To those who may have another class or two, you got this! As my Grandfather would always say to me, “Keep on keeping on”. I know some of y’all mentioned in the fist week of class that your goal is to continue on with a higher degree. That is amazing and the light is so bright at the end of the tunnel. I am doing my best to stay on track with my goal of obtaining a Bachelor degree, and I am in hopes that over time I can complete this. If that is what you are seeking in the future as well, You can do it! Good Luck and god bless to all y’all!

Now, for the rest of the forum for this week.

Turnitin: I understand how this works and know that all of our assignments are submitted through tunitin to check for honesty and plagiarism. Being academically dishonest is not worth it when going to school and defeats the purpose of you learning to obtain your degree. Getting outside help is a no go, unless you are having some one proof read your paper to check for mistakes and to have a second eye to see if your paper makes sense and flows correctly before submitting. Plagiarism is basically taking some one else’s work (not your own) and using it as if it was your own and submitting it as your own paper or work. (Lose, Journal, 22 (8), 2011) Again doing this defeats the purpose of you doing your own work. Any time you get information for your research or paper, you have to cite where your information came from. By citing your information this protects you from plagiarism.

In this course I found that doing an annotated bibliography really interesting and helpful when preparing for a research paper. I have not done an annotated bibliography in other courses before. I learned a lot about how to do one and the purpose of writing an annotated bibliography. An annotated bibliography will provide you with scholarly research on your subject, as well as help with a thesis statement and provides many sources of information for your topic. ( Though I have been with APUS all this time while seeking my degree, I did find week 2 forums to have some helpful information. We went over databases and other resources. It was a nice refresher week for myself and I am sure other classmate as we were able to discuss all the different areas you can find scholarly articles and recourses for your research. As I have mentioned in past forums, I feel some of the lessons we have learned should have been information we were given and went in to more depth with in early courses, such as College 101. With that said, I still find this course full of great information and I am thankful for that.

Dr. P,

You have been amazing and very helpful. You have always been fast with responses and super nice when giving constructive criticism. You have a way of helping and guiding with out making someone feel less than, and I appreciate that! It’s apparent you truly care about the students and their success. Thank you!

Blessings to all y’all!

Tanya Mills

Citations :

University Of Maryland University College Library, How to Write an Annotated Bibliography-APA Style,

Lose, G. (2011). Plagiarism. International Urogynecology Journal, 22(8), 903-4.…


Good evening class,

This course has been bitter sweet. It is a great feeling knowing that this is the last class until my degree. Then also knowing all of the work, learning, and classes that I have taken up to this point has paid off. For being the last course of my degree program, it has been pretty informative and educational. This course focused on research and writing. At the beginning, researching and deciding a criminal justice topic open my eyes on a few things. This class was a good way to learn new issues within our criminal justice system.

One thing that I found of interest in the class was learning about my research topic. Researching proactive policing versus reactive policing offers a lot of knowledgeable information on how our nation’s police department operate. The proactive police strategy incorporate numerous methods police use to prevent and deter criminal activity. There are programs such as stop and frisk, broken window theory, hot spot policing, just to name a few. There has been evidence to show that these are effective in reducing crime. On the other hand, these programs have also created some controversy such as racial profiling and police brutality.

When I begin a research paper or something like it, I usually dread the beginning. It can be a little daunting reading the page length and needing to research a topic. After finding the topic and research I begin to get into it and enjoy learning something new related to the career field I enjoy. Writing this paper has been relatively enjoyable.

One thing that I need a little improvement on is finalizing and citing a research paper. After learning the topics each week in this class, it has definitely helped and improved my writing skills. These topics have been very beneficial and I wish I had learned and had this review towards the beginning of my college courses. Better late than never though. Learning and reviewing these skills will probably be beneficial down the road also. I fully understand the academic dishonesty and plagiarism guidelines set fourth by the university. I will ensure that I have done anything that goes against university policy.

It has been a good time learning and working with you guys and good luck on your future endeavors!
