Global Warming Caused by Human Activities

In addition to the written paper, an oral presentation will also be required. It will be based on the same topic as your paper. It will be both a descriptive and persuasive presentation. In the descriptive presentation you will describe the issue you plan to address, and present an impartial overview of opposing positions on the issue. In the persuasive presentation, you will recap the basic description of the issue and then take one side of the debate and defend it. Presentations will be 5-15 minutes in length and will use PowerPoint or another comparable presentation software package . Other visual or presentation aids may be used as well, but are not required. The presentation will be graded based on an oral rubric that will be posted in your course documents. Each student will be assigned a presentation date and those who are absent on the day of their assigned oral presentation will lose one letter grade. and they can be re-assigned another day and if they do not complete their oral presentation by the end of the semester they will receive no credit. The Power Point/Keynote presentation material needs to be uploaded on the date of the Oral Presentation.

Credit = 10 %

please avoid plagiarism and use simple grammar as English is not my first language .