How to solve this question
Joe Bright, the marketing manager for Mountain Mist soft drink needs to decide how many TV spots
and magazine advertisements to run during the next quarter. Each TV spot costs $5,000 and is
expected to increase sales by 300,000 cans. Each magazine advertisement costs $2,000 and is
expected to increase sales by 500,000 cans. The total soft drink advertising budget for the next
quarter is set at $100,000; however Mountain Mist wants to spend no more than $70,000 on TV spots
and no more than $50,000 on magazine ads. Mountain Mist earns a profit of 5 cents on each can of
soft drink it sells. Joe has decided to use linear programming to find the most profitable mix of
advertisements. He asks for your help.
(a) What are the decision variables for this problem?
(b) Using decision variables identified in part (a), formulate the objective function for this
problem. Is the quantity of interest to be maximized or minimized?
(c) What are the constraints relevant to this problem? Using the decision variables from
part (a), formulate those constraints.
(d) Give the full mathematical model for this problem