I would like an eight page paper on risk management
The research paper is your choice of topic but is MUST relate to risk management. – insurance tc.You do not need to write an introduction to your analysis. The answer to question one serves as the first
paragraph of your paper.
1.What is/are the ethical issue(s) in the case?
example, utilitarianism, rights, justice, and fairness.
of the paper should be one half to one page.)
2.What are the pertinent facts of the case?
Industry or profession code of ethics?) Also include as a fact if specific laws or regulatory standards are
involved in the case.
3. Stakeholders, harms, benefits, and rights
benefits were received?
have been denied? How?
➢ Frame the harms, benefits, and rights in terms of where things stand in the case right now. Later,
in analysis of alternatives (Question 5), you’ll discuss possible future effects on stakeholders.
➢ Primary and secondary stakeholders are discussed in the first chapters in the text and listed on a
class handout.
➢ (This section of the paper should be one half to one page.)
4. What are the alternative courses of action to remedy the problem that you have identified? Who
must act in each alternative?
5. Thoroughly evaluate the alternatives, their outcomes, and their possible effects on all of the parties
and requires you to consider all of the possibilities and their effects on the stakeholders. It should be
approximately three to four pages.)
6. Make a specific recommendation based on your analysis of the case, on the important facts that you’ve
identified in Question 2, and support it with a moral theory.
A) Be sure to state how your recommendation is tied to your analysis and facts and how it is supported by
ethical models.
B) Name any specific professional code(s) of ethics that might be applicable to the entities in this case and
state how the code(s) would support your recommendation. Conduct research to find current day codes of ethics
that are applicable. Be sure that this is a professional code, not an industry code or regulatory standard.
data (e.g., important facts of case, analysis of alternatives, support offered by specific code(s) of
professional ethics, key concepts studied in the course, and ethical models) to argue why your
recommendation is the best alternative.
support offered by specific code(s) of professional ethics, key concepts studied in the course, and ethical
models) is not a recommendation.
(This part of your paper should be at least one page.)
with a reference page as well