Immersion Project 3

Can you finish this assignment 

Share some of the background of your interviewee (or couple). What was this person’s/couple’s story? [approximately 300 words]

I interviewed a women name Jodi. Jodi is a 34 year old beautiful stay-at-home wife, two wonderful sons named Brett and Justin and is happily married to her best friend Pete of 14 years. Jodi is also a Jehovah Witness. Jodi has one living siblings and one deceased, both parents are living and actively involved in their lives. Jodi and her husband Pete live in North Canton Ohio not to far from my employment where Jodi works out at the local gym Bally Total Fitness, this is where we met. Jodi life changed when her little sister Tonya was diagnosed with brain cancer spending countless hours at her bedside the outcome for Tonya was terminal she would later pass away leaving Jodi heartbroken. Dealing with unimaginable pain Jodi turned to the only placed that she found comfort and that was in her faith of Jehovah God, this allowed her to deepened her appreciation of Jehovah God promise that she would see Tonya in Paradise, where there is no pain, tears, sickness, death, etc.

How open was this person/couple? Why do you think this was so? [approximately 100 words]

Jodi was 

What were some key cultural events (interactions with the majority culture, experiences of racism, positive experiences with the majority culture, etc.) for this person/couple? [approximately 250 words]

What was your sense of this person’s/couple’s acculturation level and racial/cultural identity development? Why do you think this? [approximately 200 words]

How did you respond emotionally towards this person/couple during the interview? Given aspects of your personal experience, why do you think you reacted this way? [approximately 250 words]

What did your interview with this person/couple add to your knowledge about this cultural group that you did not get from Parts 1 and 2? [approximately 200 words]

Remind yourself of the Biblical Worldview Lens material considered in this course (see the presentation titled “Interpreting Culture” in the Module/Week 1 Reading & Study folder). What are some strengths or elements of common grace that you see operating in this cultural group? How can we pray for people in this cultural group? [approximately 200 words]

Which part of this immersion experience (Parts 1, 2, and 3) was most helpful to you in learning about this cultural group? Why do you think this was so? [approximately 100 words]