In chapter 32 in the Reader, Fisher discusses “Congress as Administrator.” Chapter 11 in the Congress and Its Members, political science homework help
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1. In chapter 32 in the Reader, Fisher discusses “Congress as Administrator.” Chapter 11 in the Congress and Its Members also examines Congress’s control over the bureaucracy or administration. (Chapter 10 in Congress and Its Members also contains a section on the “administrative presidency” which may be relevant.) Explain the major tools that Congress uses to control the bureaucracy and whether these tools are adequate to the job. What are the limits on Congress’s control?
2. Congress can exercise some measure of control over the federal court system. Drawing on chapter 12 in Congress and Its Members and chapter 34 in the Reader, examine the ways that Congress can influence the federal courts, paying particular attention to the Senate’s role in the nomination process. With respect to nominations, what roles do party affiliation and ideology play in nominees being accepted or rejected by the Senate?
3. Chapter 13 in Congress and Its Members and chapter 37 in the Reader address the relationship between Congress and interest groups. What methods do interest groups use to influence members of Congress—make sure to explain both direct and indirect. What role does information play in the process?