Law Question
Hi there, please look at the pdf I have attached below for a better understanding to answer this question. Please make sure no plagiarism is done. Thank you
China’s one-child policy is perhaps the best-known attempt at population control. Lesser known, but effective population control also took place in Kerala, India. Complete the following:
- Research and organize information about the One Child policy (structural change) vs. Kerala India (change by diffusion) and their consequences. Complete this in a chart (make your own) comparing advantages and disad
vantages of the policies and also the intended and unintended impacts (be sure to include reference to the demographic trap). Make sure the points and facts included are detailed. - Draw conclusions: To achieve overall population change, what policy was most effective and why?
Final product – one-page chart (that you made) with a paragraph (about half a page) answering Q2. Use the content on this page, plus cite extra research (anything not from this content page) using APA method.