Leader ship study case (HBR case study)

PART A: Having read the HBR Case Study, Big Shoes to Fill answer the following questions about the case.

  1. What type of leader, discussed within the current course module, best characterizes former CEO Jack Donally. Be sure to provide rationale for your selection.
  2. What situational variables contributed to the success and maintenance of this type of leader in this specific case?

PART B: Now imagine you are Stephanie Fortas, the new CEO of Innostat.

  1. What leadership style/approach/theory would you embrace and implement, and why? Be sure to reference reasons for your decision (e.g., company history, current personnel, market trends, etc.).
  2. How would you communicate your new strategy for the company to maximize buy-in and organizational success and why would you use this style and medium of communication? Draft detailed messages to each and every group of stakeholders you identify as necessary (e.g., board, senior management, all employees, etc.) to communicate your position(s) and rationale. These messages may take various forms depending upon the content and the audience so make sure and identify the specific medium you would use to communicate with each group (e.g., memo, presentation, etc.).

Reminders for Part B:

  • Answer each of the questions above first on one page. Then draft the necessary message(s) to your organization on subsequent pages.
  • If you choose to write memos, or emails please make sure your formatting is consistent throughout and the message length is appropriate for this type of message.
  • If you choose to include a white paper or other report please follow APA guidelines for formatting (e.g., font, margins, page numbers, headings, etc.)
  • If you choose to include a presentation make sure and write out the presentation content fully so that I can see exactly how the presentation would be delivered. Don’t assume I will fill in the blanks.
  • The entire assignment for Part B should NOT exceed 5 typed pages.