Malnourishment, writing homework help

Please do a paragraph about this post with this instruction . 

post most have  4 or more  sentences .

 you also have to have a high quality post from a content perspective. This means it also needs to do more than agree with or praise a class mate. If you agree with a classmate, explain why, give an example, share what you learned in the readings, ask questions of each other, etc.

Malnourishment is no longer an issue thats prevalent among people with low income status or in developing countries.Many Americvans are malnourished due to consumption of unhealthy foods and lack of physical activities.This requires a multidisciplinary approach to combat this trend.It require the involvement of schools, parents and the whole community.The points to incude are in the program are as below;

  a)Implement a program for preschool  through secondary school.It should be sequesntial, age appropriate and it should be designed to help students adopt early healthy eating habits.Unhealthy eating habits that contribute to chronic diseases like cardiovascular diseases, are established early in life and young people who  have unhealthy eating habits tend to maintain these habits as they age.(Kelder et al 1994)

  b)Include family and community in implementing the program-the attitude and behaviour of parents and caretakers directly influence children and adolescents choice of food.Parents control most of the food choices at home and so influence what their children eat.Parents can positively help in improving their children’ eating behaviours if they undergo proper training.This can be done by providing nutrional educational materials like meal plans, offering nutritional counselling and screening services for both the parents and children.

  c) Physical exercise- the relationship between nutrition and physical exercises should be included in the nutrition program.

  Two nutritional pprograms;

 a)  WIC(women infants and children)-this is a supplemental nutrition program that provides federal grants to states for supplemental foods, health care referrals and nutrition education for low income programs, breast feeding and non-breastfeeding post partum women and to infants and children upto to age 5 years who are to be found to have a nutritional risk.

  b).Nutritional education resource guide-(October 2011)- a resource to assist local education agencies  and after school program in their effiorts to implement well-planned ,high  quality instructional programs in nutrition education.