a: Identify for this product a specific target market group they should focus on. In your description of the target market, you also need to address where you believe this group of individuals would most likely purchase this type of dog treats.
b: After calculating the cost of goods sold, the company has determined that the cost per 8 ounce bag of treats is approximately $2.97. The company desires a 40 percent contribution margin on each package sold. They also know that most wholesalers in this industry use a 32% mark-up and many retailers maintain a 25% mark-up as well. Following this channel and based solely on the calculations, what will be the price that the normal retailer will charge for the product? Reflecting on the psychological aspects of pricing and specific pricing tactics theories, what would your final price recommendation be? Support your answer. How would the price vary based on a price elasticity of 0.3?
c: Design for the company an appropriate promotional campaign for this product based upon your described target market. Be specific in your discussion. Be sure to address the influence of the brand will have on this component of the marketing strategy.
d: Discuss how the aspects of differentiation and positioning will impact the acceptance of this product by the desired target market. What must the company consider in terms of its products and the competitor products when entering the market?
e: Create a slogan for the business, less than 20 words, which captures the essence of the brand. Explain your rationale for the slogan. Then show how it should be incorporated within the brand image and integrated marketing communication plan.