Object Oriented Analysis” and “Object Oriented Design
Consider that for much of this semester we will be talking “Object Oriented” (O-O) primarily in the form of “Object Oriented Analysis” and “Object Oriented Design”.
To answer the following questions, use any available resource, including YouTube, Google, Google Scholar, Researchgate.net, HU Library resources or other selected sources. Researchthe topics of “Object Oriented Analysis” and “Object Oriented Design”. Answer the following specific questions:
1a. What is the definition of “Object Oriented (O-O)”?
1b. How is “Object Oriented” related to (same, different?) the technique called “Structured Methods”?
Compare and contrast these two methods. (Hint: Structured Methods came first. It is possible that dissatisfaction with Structured Methods and the resulting software products led to some of the motivation for O-O).
1c. What are the key characteristics / attributes of O-O? (Hint: Characteristics such as “Inheritance” and “Encapsulation” should be identified). Please
1) Identify each key characteristic / attribute that you find,
2) Define each key characteristic, and
3) Explain each key characteristic.
1d. What is the History of O-O?
How / where / when did it start?
Who were the original authors of the idea?
What was the original motivation for O-O?
How did an interest in Object-Oriented Programming lead to O-O Analysis and Design?
How did we get to O-O Analysis and O-O Design, which are the primary focus of the ISEM 530 course?
Find a definition of “System” other than from your textbook and explain it in your own words. Provide a reference to the source of the definition.
QUESTION 3: What is the difference between a “System” and a “Subsystem”?
QUESTION 4: Find a definition of “System Analysis” other than from your textbook and explain it in your own words. Provide a reference to the source of the definition.
QUESTION 5: Find a definition of “System Design” other than from your textbook and explain it in your own words. Provide a reference to the source of the definition.
QUESTION 6: What is a “System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)”?
QUESTION 7: Describe the similarities and differences between “Predictive” SDLC and an “Adaptive” SDLC. What do they have in common, and what are key differences?
Please “fill in the blanks” on the following table, summarizing in your own words the key definitions of Methodologies, Models, Tools and Technique. Please try to highlight the relationships and differences between each.
Terminology |
Definition (Please put your answers table format like this) |
Methodology |
Model |
Tool |
Technique |
The difference between “Methodology” and Technique is: |
QUESTION 9: Research “Work Breakdown Structure” (WBS), which is mentioned in Chapter 9. Please research and provide a formal definition for WBS. (Note: please provide your references).
QUESTION 10: What is “Project Management”?
QUESTION 11: What are the primary responsibilities of a “Project Manager”?
12a Who are the primary Stakeholders in a typical Project?
12b Find a sample project and then identify the stakeholders.
QUESTION 13: Go online and find the “PMBOK”. What is the PMBOK? What are its primary contents?
Your Homework #1 Deliverable:
1. Use your APA Template built in the first Executive Class, to start word document.
2. Fill in your information on the Title page, Abstract, and pages in the APA format style. For your TITLE OF YOUR DOCUMENT, you should use “ISEM 530-Homework 1”
a. Remember the Abstract is a summary of what you will discuss in this paper.
3. Populate your MS Word file with your answers to all questions. Post your completely populated HW #1 report