Parental Abduction and boys only schools

Part #1

In at least 2-3 fully developed paragraphs, briefly, discuss the paradox between parental abduction and the state intervention. In doing so, speak to the Harms of Parental Abduction.

Note: The essay response given should reflect upper-level undergraduate writing in accordance with current APA standards. The essay response is to include in-text citation(s) in proper APA format. In-text citations are to correspond to a source in proper APA format listed after the essay response.

Part #2

In at least 2-3 fully developed paragraphs,, briefly, discuss if a lower risk of bullying exists in boys-only schools, whose students are from families with a high social economic status (SES), as compared to girls-only or mixed gender school students from high SES families. Please elaborate on how bullying victimization and cyber bullying prevalence may vary across school type and school quality, per the scholarly literature.

Note: The essay response given should reflect upper-level undergraduate writing in accordance with current APA standards. The essay response is to include in-text citation(s) in proper APA format. In-text citations are to correspond to a source in proper APA format listed after the essay response.