Performance Appraisal

Please review the assignment in the attachment for
this assignment. Then produce an approximately 500-word evaluation of
Bill Blizzard′s performance in a narrative format (no bullets),
referring to the employee in the third person (as Bill and Mr. Blizzard,
not as “you”).

Your effort will be graded on adherence to guidelines, content
(including the presence of these required headings: ACCOMPLISHMENTS,
IMPROVEMENT, and PROMOTION POTENTIAL), and fairness to this employee and
to you as his employer. Remember to document all successes AND failures
using the FACT, QUANTITY, and IMPACT/RESULT of each significant success
or shortcoming.

NOTE: For this ONE assignment, you are permitted (and encouraged) to
make use of the phrasing supplied in the instructions. Consider the
instructions as YOUR notes about YOUR employee, rather than merely
instructions for a paper. So (for this paper ONLY) it is not plagiarism
for you to write “Bill has been” (followed by a phrase or sentence that
appears in the instructions).

Grading Criteria:

  • Narrative format (may include “created” corporate logo, if desired), single-spaced, with double spacing between paragraphs
  • Uses all required specific headings
  • Documents all strengths and weaknesses of Mr.Blizzard
  • Strengths section is well developed
  • Areas needing improvement section is well developed
  • Recommendations section is well developed
  • Focuses on the information needs of the audience
  • Positive, confident tone
  • Emphatic, concise, fluent sentences
  • No proofreading errors