Philosophy Early Childhood Education personal paper
CD Philosophy Assignment Guideline:
A philosophy is a thoughtful summary of what you believe, in this case, about early childhood curriculum. Here are a few questions to get you thinking about your philosophy of early childhood education:
1. What principles do you adhere to when planning and implementing activities, environments, guidance, and strategies for instruction?
2. What guides the curriculum emphasis in your classroom?
3. What do you believe is most important in your teaching -what the children are learning or how they are feeling?
4. How do you build on the emerging interests and needs of the children?
5. Are there particular curriculum models That you identify with more than others? A partial list of curriculum models/perspectives includes:
a. Eriksonian approach
b. parent-cooperatives
c. behaviorist approach
d. constructivist approach
e. Reggio Emilia
f. High/Scope curriculum
g. mixed age grouping
h. project approach
i. emergent curriculum
j. Montessori
k. Anti bias Curriculum
l. Bank Street Approach (child centered)
Consider the issues of:
1. preacademic skills
2. learning centers
3. social interactions
4. how you believe children learn best
5. how the teacher facilitates learning
6. inclusion
7. emotional health
8. discipline
9. child directed, teacher directed learning
10. staff interaction and cooperation
Now that you’re overwhelmed with things to consider and think about, what do you believe about young children?
What is your philosophy of early childhood education/curriculum?
Summarize your guiding beliefs and principles in a 1-2 page philosophy statement.