Please READ QUESTION AND GUIDELINES CAREFULLY. answer the questions with their respective references

Question 1

It is beneficial to have a strategy or model in mind before getting into workforce planning. It is important to be able to design a model that helps the staffing professional understand the relationship between staffing and the competitive advantage that the company is seeking. Before we tackle such, let us first get started this week by developing a general understanding of strategic staffing. Organizations often have a strategic plan or at least a strategic, future-oriented direction that requires skilled employees. Wouldn’t it be nice to figure out if we could staff key positions not just for today’s job requirements, but also for the future? Organizations often have a strategic plan or at least a strategic, future-oriented direction that requires skilled employees. What are the components of an actionable talent philosophy? As HR business partners focusing on the staffing function, what do we need to know about the business in order to source and recruit the best talent on the market?

Question 2

In the staffing process, should we be most concerned about filling current positions with candidates who have the KSAOs and competencies needed today, or is it better to stretch and try to bring in new employees who we believe will be ready to take positions that might open in the future?

Questions 3

Great. Class, what about contract workers as part of the strategy? Does this make sense? Why or why not? Yes, I am making you think beyond the textbook.

Question 4

When an employee who is seen as a leader by his/her peers and also has the talent, experience, and skills necessary for a promotion is by-passed for an outsider to take the position of management, many of the peers will become upset and some might develop a negative attitude. This is further compounded if they find out the new employee does not even have management experience. Yes, I have seen this in my experience. Why do you think some internal people are passed up on promotion?



For the Course Project, each student is to prepare a course paper, approximately 12–15 pages in length (excluding appendices), on a topic related to the theme of strategic staffing.(LIST BELOW) Within this broad theme, the course paper is intended to be an opportunity to explore, in some depth, a topic related to the course that is of specific significance to you.

Week 2: Write a short (no more than one page) paper describing your selected topic and submit it for grading.

Week 7: The Course Project is due. All information for this assignment is found on this page.

Remember to submit your assignment for grading when finished.A list of example topics for course papers is provided below to provide some ideas. However, these are examples only. Please feel free to consider other staffing-related topics that are of interest to you.

A list of example topics for course papers is provided below to provide some ideas. However, these are examples only. Please feel free to consider other staffing-related topics that are of interest to you.

a.Unique considerations and approaches in developing protected-class employees to become future managers in the organization

b.Review of employment laws and court cases in selection testing and assessment

c.Defining the new careers of the 21st century and implications for staffing strategies

d.Practical strategies to implement a flexible workforce model

e.Internet staffing methods compared to traditional staffing methods: time, cost, quality, and retention


Avoid any type of plagiarism. The best way to avoid plagiarism is to make sure all quotes, ideas, or conclusions not your own are given proper acknowledgment in your text.

Plagiarism in its purest form involves copying passages either verbatim or nearly verbatim, with no direct acknowledgment of the source.

Paraphrasing does not relieve you of the obligation to provide proper identification of source data.

All references must be cited in two places: within the body of your paper and on a separate reference list. Choose references judiciously and cite them accurately.

Use the APA style guide.

Please do not select the same topics that you used to create the previous two assignments for this course.

Take the perspective of an HR business partner when writing this assignment.

Be sure to proofread your work.

Take a research approach to writing this paper, but have practical recommendations.

Structure the paper using the grading rubric categories: Approach, Focus, and so on.



Cover Page

Include the title of your course paper, your name

Topic and Value

What is the topic of this paper and why does this topic interest you?

Describe why this topic is of value to you as a professional of the organization or the HR staffing professional or whatever else you deem of value. Why put out the energy to write this research paper? Who benefits?


Cite any references that you used to write this short paper.





Title Page



Include the title of your course paper, your name, your e-mail address, your school name, your instructor’s name, the date of the submission, and your class (HRM594).




Generally review what this paper is about and what the reader can expect to find inside the pages of this research paper. State the topic and why it is important. Potential topics are found at the bottom of this page. The old advice, “Tell them what you plan to tell them” applies here.




Describe the methodology that you will use to conduct the research needed to complete this paper. That will likely include using the DeVry Library to find primary sources, reviewing documents in the workplace, and using the Internet to find respected sources, such as SHRM, professional journals, and so on. Spell out what you expect to get from these sources.




What is the specific focus of the paper? Describe a problem, situation, real-world case, and so on that causes you to take this direction. See the list of sample topics below. What is the practical relevance of this research paper?

Literature Review



Summarize the scholarly research that you found on the topic. You must use no fewer than six resources outside of your textbook. Use primary sources.




What did you learn about the topic, both qualitative and quantitative? This is where you present the model you created or the recommendations that you have for the organization or the proposal that you will present to upper management. This is where you make your argument.




How do you interpret the results of your research as it relates to the specific topic that you addressed in the assignment? How does your research help the organization to improve in some way? How does the organization benefit from your results, the model, the recommendations, and so on? How do you expect things to be better because of your research and recommendations?




You must use no fewer than 10 resources outside of your textbook. That includes the six used in the Literature Review section of this assignment. Cite all sources. Use the APA style guide. All references must be cited in two places: within the body of your paper and on a separate reference list. Choose references judiciously and cite them accurately.




A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.