Political science writing -01
Warning – the short at the bottom of this prompt has a strobe light like effect and firework/explosion type sounds along with music – Only watch if you are comfortable doing so and can do so safely.
Remember – respond to one!!!!!! of the prompts below and include your own question for your classmates to respond to. Total word count: 300
A reminder – as always, the online discussions should be treated the same as in class discussions in terms of professional discourse and the respect that you show your fellow group members.
1) In Dr. Strangelove the actor Peter Sellers played multiple characters – what was the effect of having a single actor portraying multiple important characters?
2) Dr. Strangelove is an absurdist satire – how does having such a serious topic presented in this manner of film impact the viewers ability to get meaning from it? Do you feel you took the messages of the film less seriously because they were presented in a less serious manner?
3) Dr. Strangelove has a famous final scene – a montage of explosions soundtracked by Vera Lynn’s “We’ll Meet Again” – how did this final impact you as a viewer? What effect did the unusual choice in music have in how the scene made you react?
4) Epilepsy Warning – The following 2min short (Max Hattler’s Collision) has a strobe light like effect and firework/explosion type sounds along with music – Only watch if you are comfortable doing so and can do so safely.
How effective is this video (Max Hattler’s Collision) in conveying meaning to you despite its lack of dialogue or real world footage? Hattler uses sound effects, images, and patterns meant to register connotative meanings with the viewers. Is he effective in this regard? What sorts of messages is this short able to convey to you despite the lack of traditional dialogue and visuals?