Project Budget plagiarism check

The project for the company offsite 2-day training session has been given a preliminary go-ahead. However a budget needs to be submitted for approval.

Write a 2- to 3-page memo explaining the financial implications of your project that does the following:

  • Adds costs estimates to your resources (both labor and material) – Refer to websites like the United States Department of Labor for estimates.
  • Adds estimates for all task duration and sequencing of tasks (including precedence relations)
  • Summarizes any relevant facts about the project duration, number or type of resources, critical task sequencing, and how duration estimates were arrived at
  • Highlights if there are any milestones for your project

Include a Microsoft® Project Gantt chart, as an attachment, showing the WBS of tasks (with dependencies) and task sequences, along with any budget or cost reports to support your memo.