Project Risk and Change Management, writing homework help

Your next
important processes to embark upon are performing a risk assessment and
developing a change management process to support successful delivery of your
final project.

The following
are the Week 4 deliverables:

  • Risk
    • Determine
      a list of 8 risks deemed most likely to occur in your project.
    • Assess
      what the likelihood and impact is of each of the risks occurring.
    • Develop
      an appropriate response or mitigation strategy for each of the risks.
  • Change
    Management Process
    • Determine
      and describe your project’s change management process when change
      requests are submitted.
    • Depict
      the change management process diagrammatically.
    • Include a
      sample change request form template.
    • Identify
      who has approval authority for change requests.
  • Project
    Status Updates
    • Update
      tracking information
    • Update any
      challenges, risks, and change requests that occurred so far in the
      • Describe
        how they have been handled.

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