Proposal: Section 2: Needs Assessment Plan

The Needs Assessment Plan should be 2–3 pages in addition to the needs assessment examples to be placed in Appendix B.

Using the module Learning Resources as a guide, select two informal and one formal method or strategy for gathering data (needs/ideas). At least one method should use quantitative measures that require the input of numbers or a graduated scale.

This approach to gathering data from several perspectives in the field will strengthen your findings. Examples of approaches might include: A formal survey, a formal interview, a formal observation, formal anecdotal evidence such as test records, informal conversations, informal interview, checklists, etc.

Remember that you will NOT conduct the needs assessment; this is only a proposal or plan.

  • Design three processes for gathering data or evidence of needs. Each process must include all of the following:
  • Provide the name of the process (e.g., Likert Survey, Semantic Differential Scale, Checklist, etc.)
  • Explain the type of instrument or activity (e.g., formal or informal)
  • Explain the key purpose for the assessment instrument or activity. For example, identify the top three concerns of stakeholders or describe the concepts measured by the needs assessment instrument.
  • Describe the processes to be used for assessment of reliability and validity of the instrument(s) (test-retest reliability, internal consistency, validity, etc.)
  • List guiding questions of the instrument or activity (Include a minimum of five and maximum of ten questions.)
  • Describe the process of how the instrument or activity will be disseminated and collected, and where the raw data will be maintained (e.g., Online Survey Monkey, handout, e-mail, maintained in a confidential folder on your personal computer, etc.)
  • Explain how the data will be analyzed (e.g., descriptive statistics (frequency, mode, median, mean, etc.) or explain the data to measure each variable in the study.
  • Explain how the findings will be reported (e.g., handout at staff meeting, e-mail, conversations, etc.)

Your proposal should utilize reference citations. Please refer to the APA manual (6th ed.) for appropriate guidelines to support scholarly discourse.