Reflection Case Study
Each student will be required to write a reflection paper with a medical and vocational profile. that incorporates a mass media representation of a mental illness by watching a film about a person with a psychiatric disability. Any film must be approved by the professor. The paper should include be written as an in-depth case study using the character with the disability as the client. It should include background information of the client, information on the disability (etiology, prevalence, incidence rates, and cultural factors and rates), the symptoms and functioning of the client and the common symptoms of the disability, functional limitations, treatments, psychosocial impact of the disability on the client, and vocational/educational challenges. Students will include a rehabilitation plan to include brief psychological and vocational profiles along with recommendations and goals. Include the day programming and residential living center in your area and incorporate how the facility from your visit will help the client. The paper should be double-spaced, have a cover page, headers, citations, and reference page in APA format. No references should be more than six years old. You must include a reference list of at least five (5) articles. These references must be peer-reviewed articles. The movie chosen is the main character in “The Soloist”.