Reflection Paper

Requirements of the Reflection Paper:

  1. Write at least 650 words.
  2. Include a “header” that has your name, the date, and a title for the paper (to keep it simple, I might suggest using the reading on which you are reflecting as a title, but you can be as creative as you like). Keep in mind that the header does not count towards the 650-word minimum.
  3. Include a citation for the reading at the end of the paper. I have provided an ASA style citation for the reading below to help you with this requirement; however, you can use whatever citation style you prefer. I just want you practicing proper citation(s) as you write. Keep in mind that if you choose to use the textbook in your reflection paper, you will need to provide a citation for it as well.
  4. Use proper in-text citations if you quote directly from the reading.

Citation for the Reading:

Charon, Joel M. 2010. “Why are People Unequal in Society?: The Origin and Perpetuation of Social Inequality.” Pp. 74-107 in Ten Questions: A Sociological Perspective, 7th Edition, edited by J. M. Charon. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

Questions for Reflection:

  1. a. What are your overall impressions/feelings about the reading? b. Are you surprised by what you learned? Why/why not? c. What was most profound to you?
  2. According to Charon, what is stratification?
  3. a. Given what Charon has detailed, provide two ways in which inequality arises (i.e. how does inequality arise)? b. Briefly explain how each of your two reasons contribute to the rise of inequality. Do not simply quote what Charon has provided in the reading as an explanation. It must be in your own words.

  4. a. Given what Charon has detailed, provide two reasons for why inequality continues (i.e. why does inequality continue)? b. Briefly explain how each of your two reasons contribute to the continuation of inequality. Do not simply quote what Charon has provided in the reading as an explanation. It must be in your own words.

The first question in this prompt is purely for personal reflection. Please address it thoughtfully. The latter questions, specifically the latter two questions, are for you to demonstrate that you understand and can synthesis what you learned from the reading. Normally for our reflection papers, there are not “cut and dry” right and wrong answers. However, for questions 2-4 in this reflection paper, I will pay attention to the accuracy in which you answer the questions, given that Charon painstakingly details support for each question throughout this reading.