REFLECTIVE JOURNAL ENTRY – Physical Development During Infancy
If possible, write about your own first year of life. (If this is not possible, you can write about your own children, or interview another person about their first year.)
Where did you sleep? Describe your typical sleeping pattern during the first months (e.g., How many naps did you take? When did you begin to sleep through the night?).
Were you breastfed or bottle-fed? Why? For how long? When were you introduced to solid food? Were you allergic to any foods? Were you overweight, underweight, or average weight at 1 year old?
How old were you when you: rolled over, sat up, crawled, cruised, walked alone? What were some of your favorite toys? Why do you think this is so?
NOTE: This assignment must be at least one page long, double spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides. Type the quotation followed by your answer to the question.