Respond to 2 classmates posts for Psychology Course

MUST BE AT LEAST 2 PARAGRAPHS EACH RESPONSE…MUST HAVE PEER REVIEWED SOURCES…Please write the response as if you are speaking to the student, and comment about the content in the post…DO NOT JUST SAY GOOD POST!


Bystander Help

Some of the identifying factors in Darley & Latane’s (1968) article “Group inhibition of bystander intervention in emergencies” are the perceptions of subjects (whether or not you perceive that others are witnessing the same event). In the article, Darley & Latane concluded in their research that when an individual sees that others have observed the same emergency the individual is less likely to offer help.

Other factors are listening, in this case, Darley & Latane’s article the determination is that subjects alone with a victim in an emergency situation is more likely to assist and within a faster period. The test was in comparison to individuals who thought they heard someone having an epileptic-like fit and another person trying to figure out if four other people listen to what he heard.” Darley & Latane’s (1968) article determined that “Diffusion of responsibility” list this as a factor in response to an emergency. In this test, they found that if a subject witnessed an emergency that if others are in the same vicinity that lessens the subject’s responsibility to act.

Darley & Latane’s (1968) article listed supportive arguments designed to increase the likelihood of people being helpful to others in need during crisis situations. The first is to notice the event, secondly, determine if it is an emergency, and thirdly decide if you want to take personal responsibility or not.

In one of the post-experimental test subjects were apathetic in their belief as to whether or not an emergency exists. The individuals and groups used in this experiment were not worried nor did they want face danger and therefore they were reluctant to help others. (Darley & Latane, 1968)

While working in my former in my former career as a Medical Assistant, I have had to act in emergency situations. I performed the Heimlich maneuver on more than one patient in the facility. As I was passing out medications I thought I heard someone choking. I looked over toward the sound and saw the fear on the nursing assistant’s face and determined she did know how to help her patient while running over. I do not remember thinking about her weight or height. I just got her out of the geriatric chair got her turned placed my knee under her and positioned my arms just above her waist and pulled up and the food popped out.

Our textbook suggest that empathy plays a role in whether or not or how people respond to emergencies. I feel that empathy does play an important role in how people respond when others need help. However, Kassin (2017) suggest that kinship might play a role, as well as love of a significant other, some kind of reward or how attractive or not a person is on the receiving end.


Darley, J.M. & Latane, B. (1968). Group inhibition of bystander intervention in emergencies. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 10, Iss. 3, 215-221. DOI:10.1037/h0026570.

Saul Kassin, S. F. (2017). Social Psychology 10th Edition. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

Annie Mosley,

MS Specialization in General Psychology:

Counseling Psychologists

Concentration in Family Psychology

Harold Abel School of Social and Behavioral Science


Helping others are apart of our innate prosocial characteristics. Yes, some will help out their relatives before they help a total stranger, but Kassin (2017) suggest that we often help others due to the reciprocal altruism effect. Helping others basically bring good karma in return. Two factors that can contribute to weather a person is helped or not is that person attractiveness and if they are responsible for their situation. Côté, Kraus, Cheng, Oveis, Löwe, Lian, and Keltner, (2011) suggest that those who perceive others’ emotions provide others with more helpful support because they detect opportunities to benefit others. Other factors are due to peer pressure and cultural norms.

Studies have been done on prosocial and bystander effect when it comes to strangers helping others during emergencies. Levine and Crowther (2008) study suggest that women are more likely to help in large groups than men are. Their study also noted that people within the same group will help each other before helping others. The bystander effect came about in the late 1960’s and they wanted to test the theory that the more bystanders the less likely an individual is to intervene during an emergency situation. They concluded that when social cohesion is high then groups are more likely to intervene versus when there is a group of strangers. Kassin (2017) infer that people are more likely to help when they feel connected and can share empathy for the person in need of help.


Côté, S., Kraus, M. W., Cheng, B. H., Oveis, C., van der Löwe, I., Lian, H., & Keltner, D. (2011). Social power facilitates the effect of prosocial orientation on empathic accuracy. Journal Of Personality And Social Psychology, 101(2), 217-232. doi:10.1037/a0023171

Kassin, S. (2017). Social Psychology, 10th Edition. [Vitalsource]. Retrieved from…

Levine, M., & Crowther, S. (2008). The responsive bystander: How social group membership and group size can encourage as well as inhibit bystander intervention. Journal Of Personality And Social Psychology, 95(6), 1429-1439. doi:10.1037/a0012634