Rip Van Winkle, assignment help
Today you will write a “Rip Van Winkle” story of
your own, combining Washington Irving’s story with a little H. G. Wells
science fiction.
- Start your story in the present day. Have your “Rip” suddenly appear somewhere 20 years from now. Decide how.
- Clearly state two settings. Include dialogue if you like.
- Decide
if you will write in the first person (Using I and me) or in the third
person (Using he, she, and they) to tell about the characters. - Choose some interesting conflicts to make your main character be like Rip.
- Decide on a plausible reason for your main character’s sudden reappearance.
- Decide on the changes he will experience in the world of the future.
- Decide on any internal and external conflicts he will experience.
Nothing to fancy, just make it make sense 5 paragraphs is fine