see the description

So I have to do two essays that needs to be opposing positions and arguing positions. I already have the first essay and I will include it in the files box. so what I want is 2 essays the first one is opposing positions and the other essay is arguing position. the subject must be about Texting and driving please see the file attached to get a clear idea

ESSAY 3: Explaining Opposing Positions

By now, you’ve become comfortable with your paper topic. In this essay, we’re going to build on the information you presented in Essay 2 and start to evaluate opposing positions. Select any two people (or an official platform of an individual organization) with opinions on your essay–official positions are best, but you can also choose to conduct a personal interview. Then present these two positions in a comparison-contrast paper. You will need to draw on your Essay 2 for background information for this essay, but be careful that the background doesn’t overwhelm the essay. Limit this to AT MOST 1.5 pages: less is better. The remaining three (plus) pages are to be used to evaluate the positions you have chosen.

Remember, you are not yet presenting your own position nor are you proposing a solution–you are simply reporting the positions of others in a fair, objective manner.

This essay must be at least 5 pages long, set in Time New Roman font with 1-inch margins. Your text must be double-spaced and you must use MLA format. Also, remember to cite all information that you cull from outside sources.

and the other one ESSAY 4: Arguing a Position

It’s finally come … in this essay, you have the opportunity to break away from the purely objective stance you were asked to take in Essay 2 and 3 and present your own position about your topic.

In this “Arguing a Position” paper, you will be expected to present your position in a 4-page (minimum) position-based paper. In order to successfully present your position, you must make your stance very clear from the get-go–craft a strong thesis which states both your position and the primary underlying reason you have chosen to hold this position. Then support your position with carefully crafted reasons, supported by evidence (remember to cite anything you get from anybody else using your MLA guidelines).