Self Assessment and Job Application Memo director research development
Outcomes Met With This Project:
Use leadership theories, assessment tools, and an understanding of the role of
ethics, values, and attitudes to evaluate and enhance personal leadership skills
Assess the intera
ctions between the external environment and the organization
to foster responsible and effective leadership and organizational practices
Develop individual awareness, style, and communication skills that enhances
leadership skills
Integrate and apply analy
tical principles and skills to make strategic decisions
You have completed your role on the Succession Plan Committee.
You and your Group
identified leadership competencies for five internal positions and your group also
recommended some inte
rnal candidates for consideration of those positions.
As you are putting away your notes from the Succession Plan Committee meetings, you
come across this statement “These positions will need to be filled over the next 12
There is not an immed
iate need for any of them currently, but vacancies will be
The preference is to fill these internally…”
You cannot help but wonder, “why not me”? The more you read the description of the
open positions, the more you are convinced that you shoul
d put yourself forward as a
candidate for one of these leadership positions.
Step 1:
Leadership Competencies Table
Review the Leadership Competencies Table completed in Week Two to accompany the
Job Announcement. (You may also wish to revi
ew any feedback received from your
Instructor about your Table.)
Step 2:
Upcoming Open Positions at Biotech
Position #1:
Sales Director, Middle East
Location: Saudi Arabia
Answers to: Executive Director, Asia Division
Biotech’s Asia Division will be opening its first Middle East location in Saudi Arabia in
the next 12 months. A Sales Director will be needed to head up this new division. A
team of local salespeople will need
to be recruited, hired, and trained by this leader. It is
expected that this sales team may be largely men.
Two sources that are recommended for more information about doing business in Saudi
Arabia are:
Guide to Saudi Arabia Etiquette, Customs, Culture, and Business
Saudi Arabia
Management Guide
Position #2:
Director of Research and Development (R&D)
Location: Headquarters, Yonkers, NY
Answers to: VP of Headquarter Operations
R&D is at the heart of Biotech’s success and, indeed, its fut
ure. The leader of Research
and Development will lead a group of scientists and innovators, but does not need to be
a scientist himself/herself. R&D is located centrally at Biotech Headquarters because
R&D coordinates with all other departments and divisio
ns. This is a high profile
Position #3:
VP of Headquarter Operations
Location: Headquarters, Yonkers, NY
Answers to: President and CEO
The Headquarters houses R&
D, HR, IT, Purchasing, and Finance. Each of these
departments has its own “subculture”, and each department is fairly distinct from each
other. The young, youthful subculture of IT often clashes with the conservative
subculture of the Finance department, f
or example. Many of the members of the
Finance and HR teams are baby boomers and are near retirement. This leader
oversees the smooth operation of all of these departments and ensures the coordination
of these departments with each other and with each of t
he four geographic divisions
across the world.
Position #4:
Executive Director, North American Division
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Answers to: President and CEO
This leader will head up the largest and most profit
able division of Biotech. This division
is seen as the “flagship” by the other divisions, since Biotech’s roots are in the United
States. This Executive Director has the “ear” of the CEO, and spends a lot of time with
the Barney family. This leader is face
d with spearheading the future direction of Biotech
in North America and is challenged with filling openings throughout the United States
and Canada caused by fast growth and a retiring Baby Boomer population.
Position #5:
Director of Finance
Location: Headquarters, Yonkers, NY
Answers to: Chief Financial Officer
This leader oversees the day to day operations of the finance department. This leader is
expected to aid in strategic planning with the executive team of B
iotech. Although a
finance background is not required, this person is expected to bring a conservative
approach to the strategic planning table, to balance out the high risk tolerance of the
rest of the leadership at Biotech. A “big picture” perspective is
definitely needed here
Step 3:
Review the
Succession Planning Table
Part One
that your Group used to outline
leadership competencies for each of the five positions. (You may also wish to review
any feedback received from your Instructor about thi
s Table.)
Step 4:
Assessment Tests
Complete the following Self
Assessment tests (also found under Week Five Content).
Save the results of each test, as they will need to be included in the Appendix.
Jung Personality Typology Test
Communication Skills Test…
Self Esteem Test…
Leadership Skills Test…
Leadership Style Test…
Cultural Intelligence Test…
Emotional Intelligence Test…
Ultimate Ethics Quiz
Step 5:
Choose One
Based upon the results of these tests, and your review of the leadership competencies
required for each position,
choose ONE of the five positions for which you wish to put
yourself forward.
Step 6:
Write a Memo
Write a memo to President and CEO, Maximillan Barney using the format outlined
Your Memo will be addressed to Mr. Maximillian Barney, the CEO and
President of
Biotech. The Memo should be single
spaced. The Memo should include the following
structural elements:
The report should contain the following sections,
with each section supported by course
Label each sec
tion using Roman Numerals I through X.
Briefly introduce yourself to Mr. Barney and describe the purpose of
your memo.
Identify the position you wish to be considered:
Briefly review the leadership competencies identified as important for the person
that occupies this position.
Summarize the leadership competencies that you feel you have that make you a
qualified candidate for this position. This should be a summary, as
you will get
into more detail in upcoming sections.
Identify the outcomes of your Jung Personality Test and Self
Esteem Test, and
describe why your personality is suited to the position.
Identify the outcomes of the Communications Skills Test, and describe why you have the communication skills suited to this position.
Identify the outcomes of the Leadership Skills Test and the Leadership Style
Test, and describe why you have the leadership skills and appropriate leadership style for this position.
Identify the outcomes of the Cultural Intelligence Test and Emotional Intelligence Test and describe why you have the CQ and the EQ suited to this position.
Identify the outcomes of the Ultimate Ethics Quiz, and describe why you have the moral compass suited to this position.
Conclusion briefly summarize for Mr. Barney why you should be considered for this position.
Reference Page (in APA format)
Appendix to include the results of all self assessment tests described in the memo in sections III through VII.
Other Required Elements:
- This is a memo to Mr. Barney, the CEO. There is a fine line between stating your case, and taking up too much of Mr. Barney’s time. There is not a strict page limit to this memo, but you should attempt to keep it to no more than 4 pages, single spaced (not including cover page, reference page, and appendix).
- Read the grading rubric for the project. Use the grading rubric while completing the project to ensure all requirements are met that will lead to the highest possible grade.
- Contractions are not used in business memos, so do not use them.
- Paraphrase and do not use direct quotation marks. This means you do not use more than four consecutive words from a source document, but put a passage from a source document into your own words and attribute the passage to the source document, using in-text citations in APA format.
- In-text citations should be included in ALL SECTIONS of the memo, and should demonstrate application of the course material. Note that a reference within a reference list cannot exist without an associated in-text citation and vice versa
- Provide the page or paragraph number, where applicable.