Spiritual care for patients Essay

Paragraph 5

write a paragraph responding to the discussion bellow. Add citations and references in alphabetical order.

As nurses we work with a diverse population. We work with people who are similar or completely different from us. In the end, it is important to make sure everyone is getting fair treatment and respect. I have few strengths and weaknesses when it comes to facilitating spiritual care for patients with worldviews different from my own. My strengths are active listening and asking question. This actually helps me build great rapport with my patients. One of my weaknesses is that I do not know much about different cultures and religions. I ask my patients about their needs but sometimes I have a hard time actually understanding the patients because they are using terms or concepts I am not familiar with. After talking to the patients I sometimes use search engines so I can actually understand the patients. This way the next time I come back I am more familiar with the patient and their spiritual needs.

If I was the patient then I would want to have the final say in terms of ethical decision-making and intervention in the event of a difficult situation. It is my life, and I have my rights. I want to make decisions for myself since at the end of the day I would be the one dealing with that decision.


Ferwerda, J. (2016). How To Care For Patients From Different Cultures. Retrieved January 16, 2019, from https://nurse.org/articles/how-to-deal-with-patien…