- It has been discussed in class that “leaders are made, not born.” However, it can also be said that some leaders are indeed “born leaders.” Therefore, it can be argued: “leaders are born and/or made.” Do you agree or disagree with this premise? Defend your answer by citing specific examples of leaders who support your position (Do not have to be EMS). [10 points]
- Compare and contrast industrial period leadership versus post-industrial leadership. Cite specific examples of leaders from both periods to support your response. [10 points]
- What is the Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire? Who developed it? What group(s) was it administered to? Why is it significant? What leadership theory was based on it? [5 points]
- For each of the following vignettes of a leader, identify the leadership theory that they most likely are displaying. Defend your answer by linking leader characteristics with theory components.
- Dr. Dillon, the local EMS medical director, is frustrated with the lack of proper documentation by paramedics. He issues a memo stating that any paramedic who fails to provide proper call documentation will have to attend a special class on documentation. [5 points]
- Newly promoted ED nurse manager Pearlstein has identified significant deficiencies in the routine operation of the ED. To address these concerns, he has put in place a quality-of-care committee made up of ED staff at all levels. He also makes it a point to meet individually with all his nursing and tech staff with the hope of instilling in them a deeper appreciation for needed change as the right thing to do in the best interest of the patient and the department. [5 points]
- The director of Acme Ambulance Service has noticed that one of its field offices has been continually underperforming, especially in terms of personnel management. Employees come in late, are not in proper uniforms, provide poor customer service, and frequently do not provide sufficient documentation to support billing. To address this situation, he reassigns a high performing manager to this site. The new manager, Ms. Bast, makes it a point to always be on time, even coming in early and staying late, presenting a professional appearance, and positive customer interaction. After a few weeks, it is noticed that the employees are now coming in on time and have a much more professional and positive attitude towards their work. [5 points]
- In the Town of Hopelessville, a recent car crash in town took the life of a prominent member of the community. It is apparent that her death was exacerbated by the fact that the closest ambulance took 27 minutes to arrive. This is not the first time town residents have had to wait for an ambulance. A group of town’s people approaches the president of the Lions Club, who is a well-respected local businessman, about leading an effort to form a town rescue squad. They have raised a few hundred dollars and offer to compensate him for his time. He readily agrees, but refused any compensation, instead saying it should go to the cost of starting the squad. As a friend of the recently deceased town resident, he considers it his duty to lead this effort. [5 points]
- Lt. Swain is known in the fire department as a “good leader.” He is well respected by those he supervises and is seen as fair and effective. What stands out the most is his ability to adjust his leadership style to the situation at hand. For instance, he allows his senior medics to manage most of their daily duties and responsibilities. However, on scene he assesses the situation and if necessary, assumes command. [5 points]
Liz2023-04-28 23:34:532023-04-28 23:34:53supervision and operation on Ems
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