Topics to consider:

Guidelines for Interpretation Assignment- May 2nd

For this assignment students will be invited to select a social problem and present a representation of the issue to the class in a creative and interpretative manner. Students may create a public service announcement, create a short film, write a one act play, a pamphlet for a political office campaign, a children’s book, poem or song. This is an opportunity to go a bit more in depth in a topic that speaks to you as an individual. More on this assignment will be given closer to due date, which will be towards the end of the semester. You will be allowed to present for extra credit and in doing so will be separated from your personal belongings on this date. Please plan accordingly.

Topics to consider:

Gender and violence Crime Economic inequality

Global inequality Gender Inequality

Education Race/Ethnic Inequality

Government Cultural Appropriation

The political system Social Mobility

Poverty Social Stratification