unit 1

Address the topics below. Your original response should be at (least 350 words each discussion) and should reflect the fact that you have completed the assigned readings for the week. Remember, this is your chance to illustrate not only your understanding, but also your mastery of the materials for the unit. Use your words wisely so the posting has substance and includes examples and explanations. Limit the use of direct quotes, and do your best to critically synthesize and evaluate the literature in your own words wherever possible. Make sure to include in-text citations and a reference list as appropriate.

1.) Choose a hypothetical client, or a client you have actually worked with; if the latter, do not give any identifying information about that actual client (e.g., change their name, their age, and their location). Give an example of three different target behaviors in your chosen client: one you would like to increase, another you would like to maintain, and a third you would like to decrease. Discuss the importance of making sure that the target behaviors are specific, observable, and measurable. What method of recording and reporting the target behaviors would you use, and why did you select this method over other methods?

2) Using the target behaviors from the first Discussion topic, select one that you would like to focus on changing. With this goal in mind (increasing, maintaining, or decreasing the behavior), design an appropriate behavioral intervention that you believe would be effective in meeting your goal. Briefly discuss the ethical issues that apply, referencing either (or both) the Behavior Analyst Certification Board Guidelines for Responsible Conduct and/or the APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct.

3) Identify a personal behavior that you would like to change. Please note that you will focus on this behavior for each of the projects throughout this course. Discuss the operational definition of this behavior, indicate whether you want to increase or decrease this behavior, explain why you might benefit from modifying this behavior, and discuss any personal or ethical concerns you will need to consider when attempting to change this behavior.

4)Choose a hypothetical client, or a client you have actually worked with; if the latter, do not give any identifying information about that actual client (e.g., change their name, their age, and their location). Give an example of three different target behaviors in your chosen client: one you would like to increase, another you would like to maintain, and a third you would like to decrease. Discuss the importance of making sure that the target behaviors are specific, observable, and measurable. What method of recording and reporting the target behaviors would you use, and why did you select this method over other methods?