week 4


Address the topics below. Your original response should be at least 350 words and should reflect the fact that you have completed the assigned readings for the week. Remember, this is your chance to illustrate not only your understanding, but also your mastery of the materials for the unit. Use your words wisely so the posting has substance and includes examples and explanations. Limit the use of direct quotes, and do your best to critically synthesize and evaluate the literature in your own words wherever possible. Make sure to include in-text citations and a reference list as appropriate.

(512) Discussion topic 1 of 2

This week you are reading about variations on the basic ABA withdrawal design, namely the ABAB, ABABAB, BAB, ABC, and ABAC. Select one of these variations, and describe the research questions, hypotheses, and conditions of a hypothetical study in which this alternative design would be appropriate to use. Support your selection by providing a strong rationale as to why this approach should work in your study, and how it is an improvement over the basic ABA withdrawal design.

(512) Discussion topic 2 of 2

Select one of the withdrawal designs that you are reading about this week (not the same one you wrote about in a first discussion topic this week), and construct a research study that attempts to change a subject’s behavior using this single subject design. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the method that you selected. How is your chosen method superior to the other withdrawal designs? In your answer, be sure to include specific threats to the internal validity of your study and to address ethical and sociocultural issues associated with this research design as they relate to your particular subject.

(517) Discussion topic 1 of 2:

Operant and respondent conditioning are both used to modify behaviors. Compare and contrast operant conditioning and respondent conditioning. Be sure to identify why each work with some behaviors and not with others. Select two behaviors, one that could be modified through operant conditioning and one that could be modified through respondent conditioning. Thoroughly discuss why each behavior chosen is more appropriate for its selected intervention (i.e., a respondent or operant) and why the alternative intervention would not be appropriate.

(517) Discussion topic 2 of 2:

Describe the types of behaviors that are most likely to be modified through the use of operant conditioning. Choose a real-life behavior and identify an effective way to modify this behavior through the use of operant conditioning (specifically discuss how to change the behavior through the use of reinforcement or punishment). Be sure to thoroughly analyze and discuss an example that is not previously described in the readings or the first Discussion topic.