Week 4 Research

Use the MRI University Reporter database (https://www.gfkmrismartsystem.com/) to look up the answers to the questions listed below. If you have any technical difficulties, please contact the JWU library staff to resolve. Using 2016 data, answer the following questions:

  1. US Adults (HINT: Choose any Category and any Question. The answers to parts (a) and (b) below are in the top three rows of data. If it’s not immediately obvious to you, try using Google to determine what the answer should be and then look for similar data in the table.)
    1. How many adults are there in the United States?
    2. How many US adults are male and how many are female?
  2. Cigarette Smokers (HINT: Category: Tobacco, Question: Cigarettes)
    1. How many adult cigarette smokers are there in the US
    2. What percent of the overall adult population do they represent?
    3. What percent of adult males smoke?
    4. What percent of adult females smoke?
  3. Gin Drinkers (HINT: Category: Beverages, Question: Gin)
    1. Which age range drinks the most Gin?
    2. How many people in that age range drink Gin?
    3. What percent of US adults in that age range drink Gin?
    4. What percent of US adults for whom Spanish is spoken at home drink Gin?
    5. What percent of US adults who identify as Asian drink Gin?
  4. Pet Ownership (HINT: read the instruction at the bottom of the Detail(s) section. Mac users should use “command” instead of “control”.)
    1. What percent of US adults have exactly one dog?
    2. What percent of US adults have exactly one cat?
    3. What percent of US adults have both one dog and one cat? (exactly one of each)
  5. What does it mean when MRI University Reporter display its results in red text?