WK9ApplicationEthics and standards
Submit by Day 7 a completed feedback checklist and consent form for a hypothetical research study.
Refer to the week’s Learning Resources for a Protocol and Research Ethics Review.
- Review any of the following online guides that might be applicable to thel study (see this week’s Resource page for more directions to these documents).
- IRB Guide for Researchers Using the Participant Pool
- IRB Guide for Archival Researchers
- IRB Guidance for International Research
- Research Ethics FAQs for Educational Settings
- Research Ethics FAQs for Clinical/Intervention Settings
- Using the comment boxes, describe in detail the provisions you suggest to the researcher to address each of the ethical approval criteria.
- Incorporating your feedback and suggestion from the checklist, compose a consent form that meets IRB guidelines for this study. Review template on IRB website for further information about the requirements.
- Complete the reflection section at the end of the worksheet to summarize insights gained through the process of completing the worksheet.