Wood Science

Answer one of the following questions in your own words.

  1. Read the article, “Eastward to Promontory” by Rebecca Cooper Winter on the Central Pacific Railroad’s History site. Write a one page summary of the most interesting things you learned. Link: http://cprr.org/Museum/Eastward.html
  2. Read the article, “Historic Railroads in the National Park System and Beyond” by Kraft and Chappell. Write a one page summary of the things you learned. Link: http://crm.cr.nps.gov/archive/22-10/22-10-2.pdf
  3. Did you know that West Virginia has a Mountain State Railroad and Logging Historical Association? Here’s your chance to learn more. Visit their website and write a one page summary of the most interesting things you learned. Link: http://www.msrlha.org/