write a 175 words response to the question.

1. use college style writing, make it looks like a college level, do not need to be perfect.

Data Exercise: Module 10

7070 个未读答复。7070 个答复。

Data Exercise:

This week you learned about the racism in the last 100 years. Particularly you learned about the Holocaust. For the TOTW this week you had to speculate on why some people do not believe the Holocaust. For this week’s Data Exercise I would like you to survey as many people as you can about whether or not they believe in the Holocaust?

Please use the following survey questions:

Q1: In one sentence define the event known as the Holocaust.

Q2: In your opinion did the Holocaust:

  • a) definitely happen
  • b) probably happen
  • c) probably did not happen
  • d) definitely did not happen
  • e) don’t know

Q3: Do you think that the total death toll of the Holocaust has been exaggerated?

  • a) Yes
  • b) no
  • c) don’t know

Q4: If someone told you privately that they think that the death toll of the Jews has been exaggerated, would you:

  • a) agree
  • b) disagree, but not be offended
  • c) disagree and be offended
  • d) disagree and be angry with the person
  • e) don’t know
  • f) would not care one way or the other

Q5: If, during a private conversation, someone told you they believed that Jews have exaggerated the Holocaust to gain political and financial advantage, would you:

  • a) agree
  • b) disagree, but not be offended
  • c) disagree and be offended
  • d) disagree and be angry with the person
  • e) don’t know
  • f) would not care one way or the other

To get full credit for this week’s exercise:

  1. Ask as many people as you can (10 minimum) the survey questions above. You may ask people in person or use a survey generating website, such as, Survey Monkey (链接到外部网站。).
  2. Once you have completed your survey, go to a chart generating web site such as Create A Graph (链接到外部网站。) , and make four pie charts representing the answers you got for questions 2-5 (Q2-Q5).
  3. Google “Holocaust poll” or “Holocaust survey” and to how your results compare to those of other studies.
  4. Using 175 words or more describe your results and how they compare to those of other studies. Why do you think your answers are different/the same compared to the results you found online?
  6. Post your completed answer by clicking Reply and the Post.
  7. Now comment on the work of at least two other students using 25 words or more per comment.

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