Write an analytical report by reading the instructions below.

Continue working through the steps outlined in the EXERCISE on page 529. Complete the Audience and Use Profile (step j.) and the first draft of your analytical report (step k. and l.), combine the profile and draft into one file and post this file in the “File Exchange” section of your Group Page. Click this link to view a somewhat weak sample Writing Assignment 6: English_2311_Sample_WA_6-2019.rtf

Click for more optionsClick this link to find a better sample: WA6-Sample-019.rtf Click for more options Technical writers rarely work in isolation, but depend on feedback and suggestions from other writers and employers. For this reason I have placed each student in a work group of 4 or 5. This will provide you with the opportunity to exchange information with at least three other writers. You will find the “Group Pages” link under the GROUP PAGES button on the menu of our eCampus site to be most useful. Within “Group Pages” you can post your assignments in File Exchange, then share ideas and comments in the “Group Discussion Board.” Simply follow the instructions on screen to use these features. It will give you some insight into possible problems. Technical writers rarely work in isolation, but depend on feedback and suggestions from other writers and employers. For this reason I have placed each student in a work group of 4 or 5. This will provide you with the opportunity to exchange information with at least three other writers. You will find the “Group Pages” link under the GROUP PAGES button on the menu of our eCampus site to be most useful. Within “Group Pages” you can post your assignments in File Exchange, then share ideas and comments in the “Group Discussion Board.” Simply follow the instructions on screen to use these features.

As a group member, your job is to read the reports of your fellow members. Read them carefully. Write at least one page of response in which you give the writer specific suggestions of where you feel the report is strong and where you’d like to see more information or a different organization or any other suggestion that might help strengthen the report. Also, if you discover that the draft does not conform to the guidelines of a report, indicate that as well. The purpose of getting group feedback on your draft is NOT to tear each other apart, but to give help to each other so that everyone does better.

This is the one assignment in this course that resembles what happens in a real business environment. Almost all reports are examined by groups for their feedback and suggestions. The more important the report, the more extensive the feedback.