Identify an example of a population that you would expect to be normally distributed. Explain why you believe it would be normally distributed.

The majority of the data is normally distributed if there are enough subjects. For instance, if you collected test scores of only a few honor students, the data will most likely not be normally distributed because you would have a sample that did not represent the entire population. But the identical test scores (for honor students) collected from all schools in a state will result in a normal distribution.

Identify an example of a population that you would expect to be normally distributed. Explain why you believe it would be normally distributed. Then, describe a subset of the population you identified and explain why it would not be normally distributed and what the distribution would look like.

Justify your answers with appropriate reasoning and research from your textbook and course readings. Start reviewing and responding to at least two of your classmates as early in the week as possible. You can ask technical questions or respond generally to the overall experience. Be honest, clear, and concise. Always use constructive language, even in criticism, to work toward the goal of positive progress. Using questions and seeking clarifications are good ways to make your reviews substantive!

Neuromyths are misconceptions about how the brain works and learns. These myths typically exist because of overgeneralization in research findings, or because of misinterpretations of research in the media. (Think back to Molly Crockett).

Neuromyths are misconceptions about how the brain works and learns. These myths typically exist because of overgeneralization in research findings, or because of misinterpretations of research in the media. (Think back to Molly Crockett).

Additionally, businesses may use neuromyths to market products that claim to improve brain function. These products typically do not have any good research backing the claims for their effectiveness.  common neuromyths that the public, and even academics, may incorrectly believe.

** Use this topic please: We use only 10% of our brain.

2 paras & cited

PSY 110 Literature Review Project

PSY 110 Literature Review Project

In this course, you will compose a type of research paper called a literature review. The purpose of a literature review is to pursue the answer to a research question using established research by other social scientists. Over the next six weeks, you have the following deliverables that will help you complete the final research paper.


Unit 1: Select a research topic:

1. Look through the table of contents and the index in your textbook to identify possible topics for your research paper. You can also conduct an Internet search for topics. Then, compile a broad list of all the topics you found that interest you.

2. As you make your list, look for patterns. Your list may reveal that you are particularly interested in language development, personality disorders, or how early environment affects development. Circle or put a star beside those that most interest you. (Keep in mind that you’ll want to choose a topic that is broad enough for you to develop a research question on, but narrow enough that your topic is well focused.)

3. Use the information to narrow the list to three possible topics. After each topic,

· Write a short sentence that expresses why you are interested in that topic.

· Be sure to include your name in your document.

· Your instructor will approve your topic(s) before you move forward with the next step.


Unit 2: Develop a research question:

1. Review your instructor’s feedback on the research topics you submitted last week and select a single topic that interests you.

2. Use your textbook and available resources on the Internet to review more material about your subject. (You can use a search engine at this stage. You are only perusing the material to develop a research question.) Write down various questions you have about the subject.

3. Here are some tips to remember:

· Make sure your questions are answerable. Questions that begin with the word why may be harder to answer than questions that begin with who, what, when, where, and how.

· Consider that you only have about three weeks to conduct your review. Try to ask a question that is narrow enough for you to actually answer in those three weeks.

4. Narrow your list to the best three questions you have. Make sure you are interested in researching these, and that the questions are broad enough to support a full research paper. Examples of good research questions include:

· What is the connection between diet and Asperger’s syndrome?

· Are people who are intrinsically motivated more successful than extrinsically motivated people?

· What are the global standards for ethics in operant conditioning studies?

Unit 3: Bibliography:


1. Review your instructor’s feedback on the research questions you submitted in Assignment 2 (Research Question) and select only one question to guide your research.

2. Using two to three key words or key phrases related to your topic, conduct an Internet and traditional library search to compile a bibliography for your research question.

3. Here are some tips to remember:

· Make sure to include a minimum of six print-based sources. For example, magazines or journals that have an online and print presence. You may also use digital books such as eBooks that are available through Deets Library.

· Use established sources for your research.

· Good sites include peer-reviewed journals (Psychology Today, Journal of Abnormal Psychology), scientific magazines and newspapers (Scientific American, The New York Times), and books.

· Be wary of: Wikipedia; sites that end in .com or .net; papers posted to the Internet (these may be graduate theses and are not peer reviewed); and personal sites.


Unit 4: Research Outline:


1. Finish compiling all the sources you plan to use in your paper. Look over each of the sources to get more direction on how to organize your outline.

2. Construct the outline with the following components:

· An introduction

· Introduce the research question

· Identify the main researchers of note in this field

· A well-organized body

· Organize and discuss the main findings of the literature you reviewed. All of this discussion should be directly relevant to answering the research question.

· Identify methodologies, theories, and controversies surrounding the research, but keep them organized so the reader is not confused.

· A conclusion that attempts to answer the research question by

· Posing a theory based on the research

· Evaluating the research reviewed and expressing your ideas about the future research about the topic or question.

3. Each of these sections in the outline should be fleshed out with a paragraph or two. These can be unfinished ideas and should demonstrate an engagement in, but not a mastery of, the material. Remember that you are not expected to have read all the pages of the sources you’ve identified. A good rule of thumb is to read through all the abstracts to make sure you have a sense of how each source will contribute to the overall form.

Unit 5: Research draft paper:


1. Prepare a rough draft of your research paper for instructor review.


Unit 6: Research final paper / presentation:


1. Paper:

· Review the first draft of the research paper that you wrote in Assignment 5 (Research Draft).

· Incorporate instructor feedback and review your outline to make final revisions to your paper.


2. Presentation:

· Review this unit’s required readings in Chapter 12.

· Using your Southwestern College Zoom Pro account along with the presentation software of your choice, develop a video presentation on the topic of stress awareness and coping strategies that would be appropriate for sharing with coworkers in a professional environment.

· Your presentation should include of eight (8) to ten (10) slides (whether PowerPoint, Prezi, KeyNote, etc.)

· Include the context of the work situation, such as military, production line, service industry, educational setting, etc., and some of the primary stressors that workers experience.

· Use strategies from the text and one other outside source to help coworkers identify, address and/or prevent stress and promote coping.







Unit # Project Details 1 Select a research topic 2 Develop your research question 3 Bibilography 4 Research outline 5 Draft paper 6 Finalize paper/presentation


Unit # Project Details

1Select a research topic

2Develop your research question



4Research outline

5Draft paper


Finalize paper/presentation

Describe the emergence of cognitive psychology and neuroscience – what prompted the development of these fields, and what is significant about the shift from behaviorism to cognitive psychology and neuroscience?

Describe the emergence of cognitive psychology and neuroscience – what prompted the development of these fields, and what is significant about the shift from behaviorism to cognitive psychology and neuroscience? What can we understand about human behavior because of neuroscience that we could not have understood before?

What are effective and long-lasting treatments for ADHD excluding stimulants (like amphetamines, SNRIs, NRIs, or NDRIs)?

  • ADHD seems to generate more opinions in the popular press than other disorders. People call it over diagnosed, made-up, underdiagnosed, a product of the pharmaceutical industry, etc. Why do you think ADHD receives more discussion than other disorders?
  • What are effective and long-lasting treatments for ADHD excluding stimulants (like amphetamines, SNRIs, NRIs, or NDRIs)?

Respond to the above statements based on your readings and personal experiences. Upload your Assignment as a Word document, 500 words, APA format.

LIB 202 UArizona Global Campus The intersection of Art and Social Change Journal


Due by Day 7. We have discussed the impact of the publication of The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir in 1949. It could be said that her work shifted the way women’s creative expression was presented and viewed in Europe and the United States in the second half of the 20th century. This shift was especially true as the women’s and civil rights movements heated up in the 1960s and 1970s. The creative expression of women during this era began to address issues like identity and equality, if not overtly, like artists Judy Chicago and Carrie Weems, by lifestyle, like Georgia O’Keeffe. A play by a young Lorraine Hansberry provides an example of how life and art intersect. Hansberry’s play, A Raisin in the Sun (1959) about a struggling black family in Chicago, was the first to be produced on Broadway by a black playwright, making gains for both women and African Americans in the literary field.

For this journal assignment, discuss the ways women’s artistic expression and movements for social change intersect in the second half of the 20th century (after 1950). To complete this journal, first reflect on what it means to say that the arts and social change intersect. Next, analyze how you see this trend specifically in women’s artistic expression. Be sure to support your discussion by providing examples of at least two creative women from the late 20th century whose work makes a statement about society and perhaps suggests ways to make it better. Select your two examples of creative women from two different genres, for example painting, photography, writing, dance, etc.


LIB 202 Ashford University Wk 3 How Herland Challenges Gender Ideology Essay

Question Description



Due by Day 7. Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s fictional utopia Herland is about a culture populated only by women. The novel, narrated by a male sociologist, describes the woman-only culture in vivid detail and contrasts it with the three “visiting” men and their own society. Sociology was a new field during Gilman’s lifetime and one that she identified with because of her interest in social problems. Since she considered herself a sociologist, readers could assume that the male narrator’s viewpoint is her own. It is through Vandyck Jennings’s eyes that we see both the male perspective on gender roles in American society in the early 20th century and the imaginative utopian society of Herland. Gilman was not promoting a society populated only by women, but she creates it to critique the role and place of women in western society in the early 1900s.


  • How do the status of and attitudes toward women during Gilman’s time compare to the lifestyle of women in Herland?
  • How does Gilman challenge widely held views about women’s nature, which began as early as the Renaissance lady, reappeared as the Victorian ideal, and were still present in 1915 when Herland was published?
    • Remember that in 1915, women in America still did not have the right to vote even while the “new woman” was emerging with modernism and innovations.
    • Be sure to provide page-referenced examples from the assigned chapters from Herland to illustrate your view.
  • Finally, what attitudes about women (gender ideology) and limitations on women’s lives do you see in your own lifetime?
  • What changes have occurred compared to Gilman’s lifetime (1860–1935)?

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

LIB 202 Ashford University Wk 3 Separate Spheres or New Woman Reflection Paper

Question Description
Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, review These Women Composers Should Be Household Names Like Bach or Mozart (Links to an external site.), Edmonia Lewis (Links to an external site.), and Biography of Isadora Duncan (Links to an external site.).

As I discuss in my Guidance for this week, by the 1800s and into the 1900s, women have become politically active, working for their rights to vote, hold office, be involved in legislation, and to be considered equal to men in other ways. (First Wave Feminism). How is this reflected in women’s art of the period? How does the art of women begin to move away from emulating men’s art to becoming a distinct interpretation of art in its own way? How does it begin to embrace openly the differences between men and women? Is this good or bad, and why?

Remember that your critical thinking grade is based on incorporating a multimedia piece into your discussion, one that supports your ideas, and that your general knowledge grade is based on using all of the required sources for the week.

Be sure to support your ideas with examples from the required readings and videos for the week. As always, citation is mandatory. Please review APA style.

Respond to your instructor’s question with a first response, due on Day 3. In your first response, embed a multimedia piece, such as a short clip of a video, a link to an audio, or an image that supports or enhances the textual evidence in your response. Remember the multimedia enhances your discussion but does not replace it. Although you may embed additional multimedia in your responses to your classmates, it is only required in the initial response. Attend discussion, responding to your classmates on at least three separate days by Day 7 to keep the dialogue moving. There is no required word count for individual posts as long as all your posts together total 500 words.

Guided Response: Discussions are dialogues with your peers and instructor about the course content. This means that in addition to posting a first response to the prompt, you will continue to dialogue throughout the week by posting a total of four days in the week. Although the first post is not a mini-essay, it is expected that you will draw from the readings and use textual evidence to support your discussion. In addition, you will add multimedia to your posts to enhance our experience of women creating culture. When you embed multimedia, you will guide your classmates toward understanding your contribution by explaining your reasons for selecting the image, video, or audio. When responding to classmates, try to add something new and insightful to the discussion. There are a variety of ways to do so; for example, you can expand on your classmate’s post, reply to a question, or share an insight. You will find more guidance on how to post an excellent discussion response and respond to your peers under the About Discussions topic in Course Home.

1 attachments

LIB 202 UArizona Wk 2 Role of Privilege and Power in Creative Expression Discussion

Question Description



Due by Day 7. In Week 2, we focus on how privilege and power impact women’s freedom for creative expression. In our discussion of this topic, the concept of intersectionality is important. Intersectionality can be defined as the ways that interconnected social categories such as race, class, and gender interact to form experience and identity, especially as related to power.

undefinedFor this journal assignment, analyze how the dynamics of privilege and power played a part in woman’s creative expression during the 1600s and 1700s (sometimes called the Baroque era). In your discussion of power and privilege, address at least one of the following categories in addition to gender: race, class, or ethnicity. As you reflect on this topic, consider some of the following relevant questions:

  • Did the creative woman benefit from family support or professional networks or was she excluded from them?
  • Were training, education, and networking available to her?
  • If she did challenge existing power structures (for example, religion, social custom, laws, etc.), how successful was she in doing so?

**Use supporting examples from at least two creative women from different genres (for example, music and sculpture) of this era from our required or recommended resources. Be sure to provide examples from their work (poems, paintings, sculpture, music, excerpts from larger writings, etc.) to support your discussion.**

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Gender, Creativity, and Invisibility

Throughout this course, we discuss gender ideology and how it impacts creative expression. Gender ideology is simply ideas about how a person’s gender (distinct from a person’s sex) is shaped through a socialization process, particularly prescribing characteristics and behaviors for a certain sex. From the moment a baby is placed in a pink blanket or a blue one, our culture begins to socialize a person as woman or man.

Over the centuries, this debate about women’s nature, “the woman question,” included such claims as it is in women’s nature to be weak and fragile. The debates often claim that weakness is inherent in females, rather than focusing on the way women are taught and/or socialized. Furthermore, the debate goes, women are suited only for domesticity because of their nature. It has even been argued that women have no souls. Most importantly in our discussion throughout this course is the way these restrictions on women’s lives have impacted their creative expression. In Week 1, we learn how gender ideology has impacted women’s creative expression and its visibility in society.

Our focus is on Renaissance women in Week 1, but we look at how contemporary women are still resisting ideas about women that began as early as the Renaissance period. The Renaissance “ideal lady” was an idealized woman who was defined as virtuous, pious, and modest, and though she may have been encouraged to be artistic, because of persistent ideas about women’s gender her creativity was deemed important only to charm and entertain men in the court, or was relegated to remain in a convent or the home. As we have seen, these ideas about women (ideology) restricted her creativity and visibility. Significantly, the visibility of women’s creative production is still an issue partly because of gender ideology centuries old.

For this week’s journal, discuss in three to four pages how gender ideology impacts women’s creative expression. Illustrate your discussion with examples of creative women from the Renaissance period. Your examples should come from our required or recommended resources and represent at least two different genres (for example, poetry, painting, sculpture). Explain how ideas about women’s nature and role impacted women’s work. Finally, after viewing the multimedia, conclude with a reflection on how the contemporary activism of the Guerilla Girls addresses the similar issues in today’s art world.

To help you explore this journal, consider some of the following questions:

  • What role does she play in her life (courtesan, wife, mother, nun, aristocrat, etc.)?
  • How does that role support or discourage her creative expression and her visibility?
  • Does she resist or comply with the expected norms of her gender?
  • How do artistic women create within defined roles and images of women?