Psychoanalytic and Neoanalytic theories, Personality Assessment final paper 5-7 pages

  1. A summary of the person’s life experiences which will be princess diana. This section must include all relevant background, including family history, significant life experiences, and important contributions that may have influenced or resulted from the individual’s personality development. This section should be a maximum of 1–2 pages in length.

  2. A discussion and evaluation of the ways in which each of the following models would explain the individual’s personality development:

    1. Psychoanalytic and Neoanalytic theories

    2. Psychosocial theories

    3. Trait, Evolutionary, Genetic/Biological approaches

    4. Cognitive, Behavioral, and Social Learning theories

    5. Humanistic theories

    Be sure to include an explanation of the advantages and disadvantages of applying each model to your case study.

    This section should be 3–4 pages in length.

  3. If you wanted to measure and assess this individual’s personality, what specific methods of personality assessment would you use that we have learned during this course and why? What information would you gain from each of the assessment tools that you chose? This section should be at least 1 page in length.

Include references from the text and course learning activities. Your project should be double-spaced, include a reference page, include a minimum of three resources, and adhere to APA guidelines. You can find additional help on APA in the APA Quick Reference on the Course Home Page or in the Kaplan Writing Center.

Provide a reflection on Operations Security

Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course (Operations Security)have been applied or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.


Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.

The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.

Social Marketing report, writing assignment help

I need to write an Memo. It’s just an introduction for this report

I have attracted a file is an example for how to write a memo and what it needs for this paper (brown words in the file). As the example I need to write “Introduction, functions, and overall.” In the overall part I need 2 graphs that compare the 4 companies.

It need tomorrow at 6:00 pm. — Now my place is 9:30 pm.

Industry: Apparel

  • Companies:
    • Under Armour
    • Patagonia
    • Adidas
    • Nike

    A cover memo (written by the Project manager) giving an executive overview of the report:This will describe the purpose of the report, a brief discussion about social media technologies in general and how they are being used, what industry and companies were evaluated,a description of the functions evaluated, how they were evaluated and the criteria used – this is basically an overall executive summary of the findings.The summary will identify which website(s) best met the criteria in each function and what your overall impression was for that company.The cover memo will be written in a narrative form and will also include 2 summary graphics. This memo will be written by the “editor” with input and review from the other group members.The cover memo will range from 750 – 800 words. Be concise!

PSA Family Limitation

First, complete step #1, which is a sourcing of the attached document using the following table.



Who created the text, picture, object, etc.?


What is the topic? What is it about?


When was it written, delivered, published, or created?


Where was it written, delivered, or created?


Why was it written or created? What’s the purpose?


How is it written or created? In what format was it created?


Put it all together. Be sure that ALL of the components above (who, what, where, when, why, how) are included in the description.

Next, select any of the three documents you wish and complete step #2 by filling out the table below. You only need to do this for one of the three documents, not for all three.

Bias and Reliability Table with Questions

Locating Bias and Assessing Reliability

Who & What?

How did the identity of the person who created this document (including their profession, race, gender, class, age, religion, and anything else you know about them) shape the creation of this document?

Write at least 5 college-level sentences in this box.


How did location influence this document?

Write at least 3 college-level sentences in this box.


How did time influence this document?

Write at least 3 college-level sentences in this box.


What does the format the creator chose reveal regarding bias/reliability issues?

Write at least 3 college-level sentences in this box.


How did the creator’s purpose or audience influence the document?

Write at least 5 college-level sentences in this box.

Other Bias/Reliability Issues

What else do you notice about this source (or know about its context, based on the textbook) that influences how you/historians should read it?

Write at least 3 college-level sentences in this box.

Using the Source While Keeping Bias and Reliability in Mind

Topic 1

What specific research topic might an historian use this source for? (Tip: Pick a very narrow topic so that you don’t have trouble thinking of 3 total.)

What to Be Careful About if Using for This Topic

How might an historian have to be careful using this source for the topic above?

Write at least 3 college-level sentences in this box.

Topic 2

What specific research topic might an historian use this source for? (Tip: Pick a very narrow topic so that you don’t have trouble thinking of 3 total.)

What to Be Careful About if Using for This Topic

How might an historian have to be careful using this source for the topic above?

Write at least 3 college-level sentences in this box.

Please follow the each details in rubric and, use at least two (2) quality references.

Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” in the Student Center.

Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center.

Case Study 1: Laptop Versus Tablet: Which One to Buy?

Due Week 3 and worth 120 points

Read the case study in Chapter 2 of the Bidgoli textbook titled “Laptop Versus Tablet: Which One to Buy.”

Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:

  1. Explain the main factors that you should consider before deciding whether to buy a laptop or a tablet.
  2. Identify the key features of a laptop and a tablet. Next, discuss three (3) important characteristics of each that might influence your decision.
  3. Identify three (3) best-selling tablets on the market, and decide on the one that you would like to buy. Justify your response.
  4. Use at least two (2) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Describe how and why information systems are used today.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the technology, people, and organizational components of information systems.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in information systems.
  • Write clearly and concisely about management information systems using proper writing mechanics

Art101 History and Appreciation of Art I

Let’s say you are a tour guide and are preparing to take a class of college students on an educational trip. Please describe one object or example of architecture that you have learned about in chapters 6, 7, and 8 (Etruscans, Romans, and Late Antiquity) that you would absolutely have to see or visit and why. Does your choice of object or architectural wonder epitomize the era in which it was made? What are its characteristics that make it so important for you to share with your students? Why? What are a few of the elements of this object or architecture that you would discuss? Why?

Please avoid using a museum as a destination but rather choose one building or one object, e.g. Colosseum or the frescoes at the Villa of the Mysteries in Pompeii.

Be specific in your description of the object/architecture; include dates, material, location, original purpose/use, visual description (maybe including what it looks like today if different than its original appearance, symbolism, meaning, religious references, and overall experience.

In essence, this is a first-person essay on a work of art but I want you to take on the role of the teacher (tour guide) on how and what you would share about this object/building.

Be sure to proofread! This should be about 300 – 500 words.

Leadership and Management Paper, management homework help


Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you articulate the difference between leadership and management using the following criteria:

  • Define leadership and management.
  • Differentiate between leadership and management with specific examples from the text, literature, or personal example. What are some of the different leadership and management roles and what are their functions? How are these roles similar? How are they different?
  • Differentiate between Trait and Process leadership with specific examples from the readings.
  • Provide a rationale for your answers from the course text and at least two additional peer-reviewed sources.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.



Explain the difference between the science and art of tactics. Mostly in your own words.

1. Explain the difference between the science and art of tactics.

Students must individually address the assigned IFC’s, through college level succinct and insightful paragraphs. Initial responses should be between 150-250 words. They must then individually comment – reply – to at least one fellow student’s post for each of the two remaining issues from the other group’s initial responses. The faculty grades the student’s contribution for all posts: the initial responses and the replies to their fellow students’ responses.

Remember, these are college-level postings. Pay attention to grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc. The post or response need to explore both sides of the issue, especially the “yes or no” or “why or why not” type of questions. Feel free to introduce new material on the subject you found in your own research.

Please complete the following two questions as required. I will list the first question below and it will also be shown in the pdf file. Question two is the second photo please complete it.

Happy Valley Homes(HVH) manufactures and sells wood stoves to customers. HVH is thinking of investing in a new
technology that will help them more efficiently manufacture and increase the quality of the wood stoves.
There are two different tools, though, that HVH can invest in to do that. The information that HVH has given you
is below:
Option 1: Initial investment of 10,000 with cash flows of 2,000 in years 1 and 2, and cash flow of 6,000 in year 3, with no cash flows in year 4.
Option 2: Initial investment of 5000 with cash flows of 1,000 in year 2, cash flows of 2,000 in year 3, and cash flows of 3,000 in year 4.
The discount rate is 15%.

HVH wants to know the following:

1. What is the payback period dscounted payback period for both options?

2. If you were to use a 4 year cut off for the discount payback, how would each project be affected?

3. What is the NPV of each project?

4. Which project, if any, would you recommend and why?

For each question, please show all workings and calculations and if you are using Excel for your submission,
please put each anwer on a separate tab. You can also use Word to answer the questions as well, if you

Discussion Responses

Decide whether you agree or disagree with their critique and explain.

I have decided to do my discussion on the, Juvenile Delinquency Treatment and Prevention: A Literature Review conducted by Jessica May, Kristina Osmond, and Stephen Billick in March of 2014. In New York City, there is the new mandate through the Juvenile Justice Initiative to implement interventions to keep juvenile offenders in the community rather than sending them to be incarcerated. This literature review reflects back on the program that I have chosen for my final paper the Close to Home Initiative.

  • Critique the design of the program evaluation.

The program evaluation was a descriptive design using qualitative research. Two thousand juvenile delinquents who were interviewed and assessed three years after being detained, Researchers used the Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale (CAFAS) to determine the functionality of the participants based on their responses during the semi-structured interview. Participants received scores in eight different categories.

“Four years after juvenile delinquents were treated with either Multisystemic Therapy MST or an individual therapy plan, MST participants had a significantly lower recidivism rate. MST participants had a rate of recidivism of 22.1 %. This is significant, especially when compared to the individual therapy group which had a recidivism rate of 71.4 %. Interestingly, even those that participated only temporarily in the MST program also had a reduced recidivism rate of 46.6 % compared to the control delinquent group. May, J., Osmond, K., & Billick, S. (2014).

  • Examine the research hypothesis.

Multisystemic Therapy also known as MST for serious juvenile offenders, keeping them in the community with intensive intervention, can significantly reduce recidivism. The researchers believe keeping juveniles within their communities and around family can reduces the chances of the juvenile re-offending. Just by allowing the family to be part of the treatment this can re-establish a bond with the juvenile and family and the community.

  • Analyze the evaluability of the program or policy under consideration by the researcher.

This can be evaluated because data was collected and it is reliable data that was not manipulated in any way.

  • Describe the research methodology employed by the researcher, and identify any ethical issues that might be salient to the study.

The author does bring up concerns about the ultimate goal for society should be to prevent juvenile delinquency altogether. The researcher suggests that instead of waiting for the juvenile to offend early intervention programs should be used as they produce positive effects on reducing future delinquency and are highly cost effective for society.


May, J., Osmond, K., & Billick, S. (2014). Juvenile Delinquency Treatment and Prevention: A Literature Review. Psychiatric Quarterly, 85(3), 295–301. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.