Dec 12


Dec 8th


Simple Regression

Part I: Conduct a Simple Regression

Use the attached data set. Complete the following tasks:

  • Conduct a simple linear regression based on the following research question: Does a person’s job satisfaction predict their organizational commitment?
  • Report and evaluate the regression diagnostics.

Your part I submission should be completed in APA style in report format. It must be a minimum of four pages not including the title page or reference page. Grammar, spelling, tables, and figures must be formatted in APA style. Results to be included are:

  • a simple linear regression based on the research question,
  • a report and evaluation of the regression diagnostics,
  • assumptions relating to the test, and
  • a brief narrative explaining results.

Part II: Conduct a Multiple Regression

Your instructor will provide you with a data set. Complete the following tasks:

  • Conduct a multiple linear regression based on the following research question: Does a person’s job satisfaction and leadership preference predict their organizational commitment?
  • Report and evaluate the regression diagnostics.

Your part II submission should be completed in APA style in report format. It must be a minimum of four pages not including the title page or reference page. Grammar, spelling, tables, and figures must be formatted in APA style. Results to be included are:

  • a multiple linear regression based on the research question,
  • a report and evaluation of the regression diagnostics,
  • assumptions relating to the test, and
  • a brief narrative explaining results.




Case Study Matthew Vega-Sanz

Case Study Matthew Vega-Sanz, Cofounder, Lula

For this assignment, read the case study (attached). Once you have read and reviewed the case scenario, respond to the following questions with thorough explanations and a well-supported rationale. Do not use the question-and-answer format. Instead, use an essay format with headings for this assignment. Please apply feedback from previous units.


  • What legal structure would you recommend for Lula? What are the benefits of this legal structure?
  • Describe employee legal classifications, and determine which best fits these employees.
  • Analyze the role of an entrepreneurial mindset in opportunity recognition related to this case.
  • Differentiate innovative business strategies that are or could be associated with this case.
  • Appraise the use of design thinking toward innovative ideation related to this case.
  • Determine the type of entrepreneurship associated with this case, and compare it to social entrepreneurship. Then, apply creative thinking skills to restructure this venture into a social entrepreneurial venture. From a social entrepreneurship perspective, how would the business model change, and what business model would you use for this new venture? What legal structure would you recommend for this social entrepreneurial venture?


Your case study should be at least five pages in length. References should include your eTextbook and a minimum of three additional credible sources. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.


Neck, H. M., Neck, C. P., & Murray, E. L. (2019). Entrepreneurship: The Practice and Mindset (2nd ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc. (US).


Case Study Matthew Vega-Sanz

Case Study Matthew Vega-Sanz, Cofounder, Lula

For this assignment, read the case study (attached). Once you have read and reviewed the case scenario, respond to the following questions with thorough explanations and a well-supported rationale. Do not use the question-and-answer format. Instead, use an essay format with headings for this assignment. Please apply feedback from previous units.


  • What legal structure would you recommend for Lula? What are the benefits of this legal structure?
  • Describe employee legal classifications, and determine which best fits these employees.
  • Analyze the role of an entrepreneurial mindset in opportunity recognition related to this case.
  • Differentiate innovative business strategies that are or could be associated with this case.
  • Appraise the use of design thinking toward innovative ideation related to this case.
  • Determine the type of entrepreneurship associated with this case, and compare it to social entrepreneurship. Then, apply creative thinking skills to restructure this venture into a social entrepreneurial venture. From a social entrepreneurship perspective, how would the business model change, and what business model would you use for this new venture? What legal structure would you recommend for this social entrepreneurial venture?

Your case study should be at least five pages in length. References should include your eTextbook (citation below) and a minimum of three additional credible sources. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.


Neck, H. M., Neck, C. P., & Murray, E. L. (2019). Entrepreneurship: The Practice and Mindset (2nd ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc. (US).

Discussion board reply

Please post two replies to the following discussion board with references:

Evaluation and Analysis of Nursing Theory


·      Name of Nursing theory?

Theory of Caring by Kristen Swanson

·      What is the level, Is the theory a conceptual model or grand theory, Middle range, or practice theory?

Middle range theory

·      What are the major assumptions?

Theory of Caring is based on five processes: Knowing, being With, Doing for, Enabling, and maintaining belief. Swanson’s theory framework are four main assumptions: nursing, person -client, health, and environment (Alligood,2022).

Swanson defined

Nursing as provide care to well-being through empirical knowledge which gained from nursing and other disciplines, adding ethical, personal, and esthetic knowledge to provide better care for the patient.

Person: Swanson provide more that one definition to person but from different perspectives. In general person is a unique as individual, which is influenced by his environment lead to adynamic changes such as grow, and life experience, in addition, the spiritual and positive energy.

Health: or well-being as “wholeness” meaning combination of spiritual, thoughts, feelings, and others human aspects to have the free well.

Environment: Swanson considered culture, biophysical, socioeconomical, and political are influencing the client ass a part of the environment and the human changed when one of these factors changing.

All these assumptions were integrated and the five processes.

·      What is the scope of the nursing theory?

The Caring theory use to help nurses to support, empower, empathize patient to cure client and fasten healing process. It gives a guide to nurses to treat patient as individual has unique needs and demands, to promote health and deliver patient care and promoting well-being with free well.



·      Describe the usefulness of the nursing theory in practice, research, and education.

Caring theory is very useful in practice, research, and education, because it included all four concepts of knowledge, that looks to the patient in a holistic manner (Khuan ,2006) the five processes can provide a framework for nurses in different clinical practice (Alligood ,2022). Interestingly the theory of Caring was utilized nationally and internationally on different population, mostly mothers with miscarried as the five processes provided at the theory was clear, simple and easy to implement by nurses to patients without escaping any aspect of the human life (Al Yasin ,2023). Also, it can be implemented in nursing education (McKelvey ,2018).




·      Clarity- Are the concepts, variables and relationships clearly defined

According to Alligood (2022), findings the five caring processes and concepts are clear, logic, and organized in sequences of delivering care from nurse to client. In addition, Swanson used the concepts of nursing knowledge to enhance the patient – nurse relation.

·      How simple is the Nursing theory? Is it easy to understand or is it complex?

The theory of Caring is simple with specific concepts, organized in sequences (Alligood ,2022). Beside the usage of nursing knowledge concepts to cover all aspect of the patient – nurse relation.



·      How accessible is the Nursing theory? Do the concepts, assumptions and relationships make sense, can it be applied to in differing environments?

The Caring theory was nationally and internationally accessible due to clear concepts, framework, major assumptions, and this theory is considered as contemporary because it was introduced in 1990. A good example, study conducted in Sweden using this theory conclude that Swanson’s theory of Caring helped mothers to build self-esteem, and identify gaps in the clinical area to improve, because the theory was simple and easy to implement in different environment (Jansson& Adolfsson ,2011).

·      How general is the Nursing theory? Can it be expanded to wider populations, or is it specific?

Swanson’s theory of Caring is generalized although it was initially developed for mothers with miscarried, yet the theory found to be used in 120 studies with different population such as nursing students (Mårtensson, et al, 2020).



·      How would you evaluate the effectiveness of this theory in practice, what will you be looking for, are the outcomes tangible?

The theory of Caring is effective in practice and able to identify the gaps in clinical area, because it has five processes that overlap, so it will be easy to know the sequences and ways to improve it, because it focuses on the patient -nurse relation, also Swanson’s Caring theory consider the environment and person are integrated and changed all the time, so they implement the five processes that able to include any different aspect. 

·      How important is the nursing theory to nursing as a profession?

Nursing theory was developed to move nursing as a profession from other disciplines. Nursing theories play major role in improving nursing practice, understand the changes at the environment around the patient to promote health, and prevent diseases. I look at the nursing theory house walls, and the decision making are the roof of this house, so we can’t, the make right decision if we don’t have a guide built on other previous experience, skills, and knowledge. Finally, the growth in nursing theories is an important indication that nurses are facing a lot of demands and using them help to save time and not to fall in previous mistakes.


  1. Discuss difficulties that may be encountered when applying the selected theory to practice.

Swanson ‘s Caring theory is important to understand the relationship client and nurse with clear framework. In 2023, Al Yasin considered the Caring theory was the easiest theory to implement in comparison with Watson’s the Core of Caring (Al Yasin ,2023)

  1. Discuss what you have learned from analyzing this theory.

The Caring theory was an eye oping for me. It is a middle -range theory, but still carry some grand theories characteristics, organized in sequence, that is important to set the nurse priority caring for a client.

  1. After you complete your analysis, rank the theory and its application to nursing practice. Use a Likert scale to rank your theory from 1-5 (1. extremely applicable, 2. applicable, 3. somewhat applicable, 4. difficult, 5. extremely difficult).  Provide a rationale for the Likert score selected.

4 / 5 applicable to nursing practice because it has great farmwork, organized steps too follow, implemented in different studies include education, nursing practice, and researcher. This middle range theory of Caring can be implemented easier than other theories, because all the contexts are clear, simple, easy to implement.




Alligood, M. R. (2022). Nursing theorists and their work (10th ed.). Elsevier – Health Sciences Division.

Jansson, C., & Adolfsson, A. (2011). Application of “Swanson’s middle range caring theory” in Sweden after miscarriage. International Journal of Clinical Medicine02(02), 102–109. 

Khuan, L. (2006). Inquiry into ways of knowing in nursing. Journal of Malaysian Nurses Association, 2(1), 14-16. to an external site.

Mårtensson, S., Hodges, E. A., Knutsson, S., Hjelm, C., Broström, A., Swanson, K. M., & Björk, M. (2020). Caring Behavior Coding scheme based on Swanson’s theory of caring – development and testing among undergraduate nursing students. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences35(4), 1123–1133. 

McKelvey, M. M. (2018). Finding meaning through Kristen Swanson’s caring behaviors: A cornerstone of healing for nursing education. Creative Nursing24(1), 6–11. 

Al Yasin, A. M. (2023). Theory critique of Kristen Swanson’s theory of caring. Open Journal of Nursing13(08), 528–536. 



Quantitative Data


Case Study

Read the Boyd case study (attached). Once you have read and reviewed the case scenario, respond to the following questions with thorough explanations and a well-supported rationale. Do not use the question-and-answer format. Instead, use an essay format with headings for this assignment.


  • Which of the business plan frameworks would be the most beneficial for this new venture? Why do you believe that framework is the best choice? Support your answer with research.
  • Apply connections between business models and innovative thinking by suggesting a different revenue model for this organization. Interpret the connections between the described business model and your suggested revenue model to align with the selected business plan framework.
  • What evidence did you notice in Boyd Cohen’s planning that was innovative regarding the business model and creation of this venture?
  • IoMob is in its beginning. What do you think the venture’s future holds, and what factors will contribute to the new venture’s growth? What traditional business strategies and innovative business strategies would promote growth?
  • Analyze how a potential failure for this venture could increase the start-up team’s innovation skills.
  • What do you perceive to be the most significant risk for IoMob? Recommend two actions that will mitigate this risk.
  • Describe a viable business model and business strategy for IoMob.


Your case study should be at least five pages in length. References should include your eTextbook and a minimum of three additional credible sources. One source must be from the CSU Online Library. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.