Procedural Safeguards and Addressing Procedural Errors

Knowing that Destini’s parents have just made their request for an expensive outside agency to provide supplemental reading support for Destini and that they are not satisfied with her current grade of a “C” instead of an “A,” you continue to proceed with the IEP team meeting, hoping that a shared decision-making process results in a mutually agreeable consensus. However, when you hand Destini’s parents a copy of the Procedural Safeguards, they take a minute to quietly review the documents; whispering between themselves. One of Destini’s mothers tells you that she isn’t clear on the purpose of these documents, how it impacts her and her wife, and how it will influence their daughter’s education. She also comments that last year, the educator and assessment representative did not follow each of these items she sees listed on the Procedural Safeguards document.

Assignment Instructions

Use the following instructions for the content and written communication expectations. Before submission, review your assignment using the Grading Rubric to ensure it meets the expectations for distinguished performance. If you have questions about the assignment or the rubric, please contact your instructor before the due date.

In your assignment,

  • Create a title page with the following information in title case:
    • title of assignment
    • student’s name
    • course name and number
    • instructor’s name
    • date submitted
  • Part One: Develop a handout or document for families summarizing ten procedural safeguards protected under the IDEA:
    • Copy of procedural safeguards
    • Prior written notice
    • Parental participation
    • Access to educational records
    • Confidentiality of information
    • Informed consent
    • Language accessibility
    • Independent educational evaluation
    • “Stay put” provision
    • Due process resolution options
  • Part Two: Professional reflection summary to include the following:
    • Analyze why it is important for school personnel to diligently ensure they provide all these protections to parents and students.
    • Examine what steps IEP team members should take if they realize that they have made procedural errors.
    • Interpret what steps educational officials can take to encourage parents to participate in the IEP process.
    • Compile a list of relevant safeguards that apply to the scenario with Destini’s parents.