Research Project Assignment 2 -appropriate citing and referencing for APA 6.0

Research Project Assignment 2 is intended to enhance your understanding of appropriate citing and referencing for APA 6.0. Type your responses within the text box for this assignment. As you respond, identify each item to which you are responding (e.g., Item 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7) and then type your response while following the instructions for the respective item. Be sure to think through appropriate use of paraphrasing, quoting, use of in-text citations, and referencing as you respond to each example. You do not have to include the examples as written below as you post your response; however, in some cases, you will be rewording part or all based on the item instructions. Submit this assignment by no later than 11:54 PM on the due date.

APA Citation Style Exercise

  1. Given the following information, create an APA style reference citation for an empirical research article.

Title of the article: Sexuality and exercise motivations: Are gay men and heterosexual women most likely to be motivated by concern about weight and appearance?

Title of the journal: Sex Roles

Authors: Sarah Grogan, Mark Conner, and Helen Smithson

Year article published: 2006

Volume: 55

Pages: 567-572

2. Revise the sentences below, including an in-text citation in which the authors are cited in parentheses. The authors of the article are Grogan, Conner and Smithson as described in #1 above.

Researchers conducted a study to investigate whether sexual orientation impacts motivations to exercise. The researchers hypothesized that gay men and heterosexual women would be more likely to be motivated to exercise for appearance reasons.

3. Revise the sentences below, including an in-text citation where the authors’ names are used as part of the sentence. The authors of the article are Grogan, Conner and Smithson as described in #1 above.

Analyses indicated that compared to heterosexual men, gay men exercised less frequently, were more likely to exercise for appearance reasons, and were less likely to exercise for enjoyment or competition. Heterosexual women were more likely to exercise to control weight than both heterosexual and gay men. There were no differences between heterosexual and lesbian women on motivations to exercise or frequency of exercise.

4. Given the following information, create an APA style reference citation for an empirical research article.

Title of the article: To hook up or date: Which gender benefits?

Title of the journal: Sex Roles

Authors: Carolyn Bradshaw, Arnold S. Kahn, Bryan K. Saville

Year article published: 2010

Volume: 62

Pages: 661-669

5. Revise the sentences below, using “et al.” in an in-text citation (either in parentheses or as part of the sentence). The authors are Bradshaw, Kahn, and Saville as described in #4 above.

In this study, researchers investigated the perceived risks and benefits to dating versus hooking up among heterosexual college students. Typically, dating is seen as more risky and stressful for men than hooking up. Women play a more passive role in dating and traditionally experience more benefits and less stress compared to men. Men tend to experience more benefits from hooking up than women. Therefore, the authors hypothesized that women would be more likely to choose dating over hooking up, especially when there is the possibility for a relationship. Men would be more likely to choose hooking up over dating when given the choice.

6. Given the quote below, revise the sentences below the quote so that your version includes a quote from the actual article.

Quote from page 668: “Although women and men checked similar benefits and risks for both the traditional date and for hooking up, women more than men perceived that, in dating, a woman risked losing a friendship and being more interested in her partner than he was in her.”

Results of the surveys showed that women were more likely to prefer dating over hooking up compared to men. If women and men were under the impression that they could form a long-term relationship with an individual, then both women and men preferred dating over hooking up.

7. Given the following information, create an APA style reference citation for a news article without an author from a magazine, retrieved online. Note that this article was retrieved from the online magazine and not the print magazine (APA style is different for each).

Title of the article: People More Likely to Guzzle Beer Served in Curved Glasses

Title of the magazine: US News & World Reports

Author: None given

Posted: September 4, 2012
