TD Question Bussiness, business and finance homework help

In this final
discussion I want to take a humorous look at one form of foreign market
entry—outsourcing to India. You can of course find various articles on
this topic, but let’s end the class on a fun note and instead take a
look at the movie Outsourced. The movie was made in 2007 and
directed by John Jeffcoat. In general, students have been able to find
the movie free online but the links change from time to time. At “press
time” this link worked:

Try to watch at least the first 20 minutes. Does this movie you an
idea of the challenges of entering a foreign market through outsourcing?
Do the cultural differences shown in the movie seem to be consistent
with what you’ve read about in the readings so far in the class? Do you
think the director made at least a somewhat realistic movie about
outsourcing to India?

If the link no longer works, see if you can find the movie online
somewhere else. There is also a TV series based on the movie. See if you
can find the first episode. At “press time” this link worked:

In general, the TV series should be easier to find than the movie,
but it is a lot sillier, so first try to find the movie. If all else
fails, try to find an article about a Westerner working in India. Your
professor might also be able to find an alternative topic for this

Keep in mind that this movie relates not only to the concept of
foreign-entry mode but also the concept of cross-cultural management and
expatriate culture-shock that you read about in Module 1. So make sure
to include references to any relevant sources from the Module 1 or
Module 4 background readings.

For those of you who end up watching the full movie, please write a
review for your classmates to help them decide whether or not they want
to finish the movie (no spoilers in your reviews though…).

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